Open omelette with greens, walnuts and baked potatoes / Omelete aberta com grelos, nozes e batatas

Simple an OMG so delicious! It’s a good way to clean your fridge too just before you go to do your next food shopping. This is a open omelette done with 2 eggs, some leftover greens that I had cooked the day before and some baked potatoes cut in really tiny pieces and a handful of broken walnut pieces. First warm the greens and potatoes on the pan, after add the beaten eggs (already with salt and pepper) and nuts and try to incorporate all the greens and potatoes within the egg. Let it cook for 2 to 3 minutes and serve with some bread ❤


Este prato é super simples e delicioso, ótimo para acabar com as sobras que temos no frigorífico 🙂 Para fazer esta omelete usei 2 ovos bem batidos com sal e pimenta, “verdes” que tinha pronto no frigorífico (pode ser qualquer tipo de couves, espinafres, estes eram mais tipo grelos), uma mão cheia de nozes partidas e batatas assadas cortadas aos cubinhos (que tambem ja tinha pronto). Aquecer os grelos e as batatas numa frigideira anti aderente durante uns 3 minutos e depois adicionar os ovos ja batidos e as nozes e deixar cozinhar até o ovo ficar com a consistência desejada. Servir com uma fatia de pão de cereais. Bom apetite !

Lots of love,

Sandrina xx


Black beans 2 ways, vegan

One of our favorite foods is Black Beans, they are delicious, nutritious and a great substitute for meat, but never good looking, I’m afraid..
This are 2 simple dishes one with couscous with a mushroom,spinach and black beans stew, the 2nd is a mix of white and black rice (hence the purple color) and kale, tomatoes and black beans stew. Always a winner in our house

Aqui em casa adoramos feijao preto, é super nutritivo e maravilhoso em vez de carne. Nunca parece é muito apetitoso, mas garanto que o é
Estes 2 pratos sao bem simples, 2 estufados de feijao preto, um com cogumelos, espinafres e cous cous e outro com couve e tomate e uma mixtura de arroz branco e preto, dai a cor roxa .

black beans stew

black beans stew 2

Vegan hearty soup

Today’s lunch post Pilates class and 5km run was a soup Cook all the ingredients except the kale, for 30m and blend. Add the kale and 1/2 cup of quinoa and cook for a further 20m. Serve with seeds to up the protein intake The white frozen thing are butter beans, that have been sprouted and cooked. ❤soup

Depois da minha aula de pilates e uma corrida de 5km fiz uma sopa. Cozinhar todos os ingredientes excepto a couve, durante 30m e usar a varinha magica. Adicionar a couve e a quinoa e cozinhar durante 20m. Servir com sementes de canhamo por cima se quiserem mais proteina. Bom dia! –> aquela coisa branca congelada sao feijoes brancos que ja germinei e cozinhei.

Winter soup – white beans, kale and cavolo nero <3

How was your christmas? We had a lovely one with the family and a friend of ours, we of course ate too much but the food was reasonably healthy! We are still not sure about NYE its always a last minute thing but we are not in the mood for crazy parties as everyone is saving for one thing or another! I already booked my first trip of 2014 to Switzerland, quite happy never been there, my other half has family there so I’m going to meet them 🙂
My gym has been a bit of a hit and miss, not being able to go more than twice a week as I have been really tiref, hope that will change in the new year. I have too a few ideas that I need to check out, some things that I would love to fo, will tell if it happens 😉
Even the blog has been a little bit less about me and just about recipes but want to change that a bit, sometimes it becames overwhelming to keep on top of everything!What are your plans for NYE?
Any resolutions just yet?
I will try to completely quit processed sweets ( this is going to be very difficult), but at the very least, to not eat any sweets in my workplace, I just need to bake bit more and be more organised… Would love to have a career change, something mors to fo with food and at last to go back to my weight before quitting smoking (its not a lot of weigh but it’s very difficult to lose it!)..So now the recipe :
White beans soup with kale and cavolo nero (dark green cabbage) – ingredients 4 potatoes,1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 can of white beans, 2 courgettes, seasoning to taste,olive oil. Cook 20m and blend andd the greens, cook 15m.  Really good and simple after christmas.

Sopa de feijao branco e 2as variedades de couve (uma bastante encaracolada e outra de folhas quase pretas) – ingredientes : 4 batatas, 1 cebola, 2 dentes de alho,1 lata de feijao branco, sal e pimenta q.b. 2as courgettes, azeite. Cozer os vegetais e usar a varinha magica. Adicionar a couve cortada fina e deixar cozinhar durante mais 15 minutos. Uma sopa facil e saborosa depois de todos os excessos do natal. 




Homemade rye bread and beans and kale soup <3

I love soup, all kinds of soup, really, and it tastes even better with some homemade bread 🙂 I have a recipe here : you can substitute the sunflower seed for rye flower .


To make this soup you will need :

2 cloves of garlic
1 can of Bertolli beans ( or soaked from dry )
3 big potatoes
2 big carrots
400grams of kale
olive oil/ salt and pepper

cut all the veggies, put everything in a big pan/pot except the kale. Boil water and pour over the veggies. let it cook until soft, around 30m. Blitz everything in a blender, until soft with no lumps. Put it back in the pan add the kale, cook for another 10 to 15m, and it’s done!


Spread some butter or olive oil on the bread and enjoy.

My fitness routine changed a bit, lately I’ve been doing just advanced pilates, want a tone body but really don’t want any more muscle, just slender limbs. How do you do that? How do you keep yourself fit without bulking ?

Enjoy the weekend xx

Cous cous pasta with kale prawns and fish

For this lively recipe boil one bag of pasta (cous cous) for 12m with a bit of olive oil and salt.
On another pan put olive oil , bay leave, and garlic, let it fry. Add 3 thinly sliced carrots , half a can of tomatoes and half a bag of kale, let it cook for 5m and add frozen prawns and peas, another 5m . For spices I used black pepper, cayenne and paprika! After that put 2 pieces of white fish and let it cook, if fresh no more than 5m from frozen 10 to 15m.
Mix the cous cous with the pasta and its dinner time! Enjoy xxx

As I moved house I left the gym, so in the meantime I bought a dvd callef yogalates. Have you ever tried to do home exercise?  Did you succeed?

Have a great weekend and as always share with me your favourite recipes so I can try them 😉



Lentils stew, tasty and on a budget!

Yesterday I was busy doing my new facebook page — , add me if you have an account there 🙂 — and my other half was away, so for dinner I wanted something quick, healthy and not very expensive to make. This was I came up with :



Ingredients :

1 can of organic lentils

1 can of tomatoes

2 organic carrots





Olive oil

Bacon ( always optional)

Spices : Paprika, oregano, salt, black pepper, red chilies, parsley.

Method :

Cook garlic, onion and parsley with olive oil, until soft. Add the tomatoes and let it cook for 10m, add spices and a bit of water/wine if necessary. To this add the lentils and let it cook for a further 5m. The spinach and kale need no more than a couple of minutes, so do it at the very end. If your version has bacon, I would add it with the onion.

Always remember to wash your vegetables well. A bit of vinegar when washing is said to help cleaning them.

Had the stew with a piece of rye bread that I baked in the afternoon, was really nice, filling and not too heavy. It produces an amazing gravy, which I love, so if you are like me, you are in for a treat!

Benefits of kale :  Helps with high cholesterol. It has a very high level of sulphur based compounds, which help to increase cells ability to process and break down potentially cancerous chemicals. There is a long accepted link between the consumption of cruciferous vegetables and reduced risk of cancers ( ex : kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cress, cabbage, bok choi, rocket and many more!)

So remember to top up on this every time you can 😉


Enjoy xx

Power lunch and some homemade bread!

After a crazy month at work finally have some days off.  I will be staying in London this time, just relaxing, cooking meeting friends and going to the gym. So yesterday as I was off I had the time to make something nice for lunch, really tasty and healing. I bought a book called Medicinal cookery, and I am trying to pack as much good ingredients as I can, sometimes just swapping white onion for purple makes a difference!


Ingredients :






Purple onion

Sausage (optional, without for vegan)

Spices : Turmeric, Cumin, rosemary, chili, black pepper, salt

Method :

Wash, cut and boil the potatoes.

Pan fry the sausages.

In a wok put a bit of  oil, I used carotino to try, mix all the vegetables and cook them for 10 m maximum,so it doesn’t lose all the nutrients.

Slice sausages and mix them with the potatoes and vegetables.

It’s a really nice filling meal, that gets it’s kick and flavor from the spices! Try it, I’m sure you will love it 😉

Wholemeal bread with sesame seeds crust

Ingredients :


I always use the same formula , 1kg of flour for 700ml of water, plus salt, oil and raising agent. This time I used the cake one, but you get much better results with proper yeast to bake bread imo.

I mix the ingredients,  600 g of whole meal and 400 g of white flour, salt, oil, baking powder, pumpkin seeds and poppy seeds, and combine. Add the water little by little until all is homogeneous and knead for 10 m. Let it rise for 1 hour, knead a bit more, let it rise for another hour if you have the time.

Bake for 60 m at 180 degrees in the oven bottom shelf.


This bread was made a couple of weeks ago, today I’m baking Rye bread. There is nothing like doing it yourself, it’s creative and you know exactly what goes into it! 😀


Tomorrow I’m making dinner for some friends so some more posts are coming soon!

Take care!x