Winter soup – white beans, kale and cavolo nero <3

How was your christmas? We had a lovely one with the family and a friend of ours, we of course ate too much but the food was reasonably healthy! We are still not sure about NYE its always a last minute thing but we are not in the mood for crazy parties as everyone is saving for one thing or another! I already booked my first trip of 2014 to Switzerland, quite happy never been there, my other half has family there so I’m going to meet them 🙂
My gym has been a bit of a hit and miss, not being able to go more than twice a week as I have been really tiref, hope that will change in the new year. I have too a few ideas that I need to check out, some things that I would love to fo, will tell if it happens 😉
Even the blog has been a little bit less about me and just about recipes but want to change that a bit, sometimes it becames overwhelming to keep on top of everything!What are your plans for NYE?
Any resolutions just yet?
I will try to completely quit processed sweets ( this is going to be very difficult), but at the very least, to not eat any sweets in my workplace, I just need to bake bit more and be more organised… Would love to have a career change, something mors to fo with food and at last to go back to my weight before quitting smoking (its not a lot of weigh but it’s very difficult to lose it!)..So now the recipe :
White beans soup with kale and cavolo nero (dark green cabbage) – ingredients 4 potatoes,1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 can of white beans, 2 courgettes, seasoning to taste,olive oil. Cook 20m and blend andd the greens, cook 15m.  Really good and simple after christmas.

Sopa de feijao branco e 2as variedades de couve (uma bastante encaracolada e outra de folhas quase pretas) – ingredientes : 4 batatas, 1 cebola, 2 dentes de alho,1 lata de feijao branco, sal e pimenta q.b. 2as courgettes, azeite. Cozer os vegetais e usar a varinha magica. Adicionar a couve cortada fina e deixar cozinhar durante mais 15 minutos. Uma sopa facil e saborosa depois de todos os excessos do natal. 


