Winter soup – white beans, kale and cavolo nero <3

How was your christmas? We had a lovely one with the family and a friend of ours, we of course ate too much but the food was reasonably healthy! We are still not sure about NYE its always a last minute thing but we are not in the mood for crazy parties as everyone is saving for one thing or another! I already booked my first trip of 2014 to Switzerland, quite happy never been there, my other half has family there so I’m going to meet them 🙂
My gym has been a bit of a hit and miss, not being able to go more than twice a week as I have been really tiref, hope that will change in the new year. I have too a few ideas that I need to check out, some things that I would love to fo, will tell if it happens 😉
Even the blog has been a little bit less about me and just about recipes but want to change that a bit, sometimes it becames overwhelming to keep on top of everything!What are your plans for NYE?
Any resolutions just yet?
I will try to completely quit processed sweets ( this is going to be very difficult), but at the very least, to not eat any sweets in my workplace, I just need to bake bit more and be more organised… Would love to have a career change, something mors to fo with food and at last to go back to my weight before quitting smoking (its not a lot of weigh but it’s very difficult to lose it!)..So now the recipe :
White beans soup with kale and cavolo nero (dark green cabbage) – ingredients 4 potatoes,1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 can of white beans, 2 courgettes, seasoning to taste,olive oil. Cook 20m and blend andd the greens, cook 15m.  Really good and simple after christmas.

Sopa de feijao branco e 2as variedades de couve (uma bastante encaracolada e outra de folhas quase pretas) – ingredientes : 4 batatas, 1 cebola, 2 dentes de alho,1 lata de feijao branco, sal e pimenta q.b. 2as courgettes, azeite. Cozer os vegetais e usar a varinha magica. Adicionar a couve cortada fina e deixar cozinhar durante mais 15 minutos. Uma sopa facil e saborosa depois de todos os excessos do natal. 




Update on GF chocolate cake and berries, with avocado frosting!

Yesterday’s cake with frosting and pomegranate. Frosting : 1.5 avocados, 4 tablespoons of honey/sweet freedom/agave , 40grms of organic dark chocolate (powder) and 2 tablespoons of coconut butter melted. You can use a hand blender, very easy! Cake recipe –

O bolo de ontem com cobertura de chocolate e roma. Para a cobertura : 1.5 abacates, 4 colheres de sopa de mel/agave/sweet freedom, 40 gramas de chocolate preto em pò, 2 colheres de sopa de oleo de coco (azeite tambem deve dar, mas talvez tenha que se aumentar o mel). Fiz com a varinha magica, é mesmo delicioso, nunca ninguem adivinharia que é feito com abacate e nao manteiga. Receita do bolo –


Fruity porridge ;)

A very easy and filling breakfast : Molasses and cinnamon porridge with fruit toppings, apple and sesame seeds & Persimmon and raisins! It keeps me full for a long time. 🙂

Pequeno almoço muito fàcil e saudavel : Papas de aveia com canela e melaço com topping de frutas, maçã e sementes de sesamo & diospiro com passas Provem é delicioso e òtimo se não houver tempo para um snack matinal, pois mantem-me saciada por bastantes horas. ❤



Spelt bread 2 ways : Banana&Raisins or Apple&Orange

English version :

Since I came back from my holidays to Portugal that I haven’t had the opportunity to bake some bread, so we were all eating shop bought bread, which is not fantastic, so as I was off today I took some time to bake some fruity bread, it’s not really sweet, and it tastes great with butter ( dairy or nuts), cheese or ham…

For the base use 450g of spelt flour and 550g of strong white flour ( The one to make bread), 1 handfull of sesame seeds, 1handfull of poopy seeds, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon of sea sal. Divide the flour mixture in 2.


For the banana bread you will need :

1 tablespoon of cinnamon,1 tablespoon of organic muscavado sugar, 1 teaspoon of mixed christmas spices like cardamon, cloves…, 1 cup of raisins, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, 2 mashed bananas.


Directions for both breads :  Around 200ml of warm water with half a 7gr sachet of dried yeast (fast action) per bread.Pour water slowly as you may need less, if the mixture gets too wet, add flour.You should be able to knead without the bread getting stuck to your hands,knead for around 10 minutes vigorously . Let the mixture rest for 1 hour, knead again, and let it rest in the baking tray for a further 30 m. Bake for 1 hour at 180 C or until brown.


For the apple bread you will need :

1 tablespoon of molasses, 2 peeled and grated apples, 1 handful of sunflower seeds, the juice and pulp of 2 oranges and 1 lemon. This mixture is quite wet so it may need less water or just add more flour, it always depends on the size and juice of each fruit.


Versão Portuguesa :

Desde que vim de Portugal que não tenho tido grande tempo para os meus cozinhados, tem sido coisas bastante simples, por isso temos andado a comer pão das lojas, que por estes lados, não é grande coisa. Hoje estava de folga e decidi tirar um tempinho para fazer pão de frutas, mas não é muito doce, é muito bom com lacticinios ou manteiga de amendoim, fiambre…

Pão de farinha de espelta de 2 maneiras, para a base é preciso 450 gramas de farinha de espelta e 550 gramas de farinha de trigo 00 para pão, 1 mão cheia de sementes de sesamo, 1 mão cheia de sementes poppy, 2 colheres de sopa de azeite e 1 colher de chà de sal. Divide esta misture em 2 partes.

Para o pão de banana necessita de :

1 colher de sopa de canela, 1 colher de chà de uma mistura de especiarias como cravinho, cardamomo, 1 colher de sopa de açucar muscavado,  1 chavena de chà de passas, 2 colheres de sopa de sementes de chia, 2 bananas maduras amassadas (com o garfo).

Para o pão de maçã necessita de :

1 colher de sopa de melaço, 2 maçãs descascadas e raladas , 1 mão cheia de sementes de girassol, sumo e polpa de 2 laranjas e 1 limão. Esta mistura é bastante molhada por isso tem que se prestas atenção à quantidade de àgua que se usa, depende sempre no tamanho e sumo das frutas usadas.

Para ambos os pães: Cerca de 200ml de agua tépida misturada com meia saqueta de fermento seco instantaneo para pão( aqui as saquetas são de 7gramas, usar 3.5 gramas em cada pão). Ir virando a àgua devagar, pois a quantidade necessària vai variar consuante os ingredientes usados, se a massa estiver muito pegajosa/molhada adicione mais farinha. A massa deve dar para amassar sem ficar muito colada às mãos. Amasse durante uns 10 minutos cada. Deixe descansar por 1 hora. Amasse de novo e coloque no recipiente que irà ao forno.Dexe descansar mais uns 30 minutos. Coza num forno pre aquecido a 180 graus durante 1 hora ou ate ficar castanho ( cor de pão).




Holidays colourful salad!

Tonight’s dinner was a chicken salad with pomegranate, parsley, physalis and tree tomato, with an olive oil, salt, black pepper, dried garlic and cider vinegar dressing. Just boil some chicken and tear it in small pieces, and assemble, really delicious with rustic bread all fruit is from the back garden or from neighbours Even my father liked this!

Hoje temos salada de tomate arbol, roma, salsa, physalis e frango caseiro. Coza o frango e desfie, junte todos os ingredientes e faca um vinaigrette de azeite, pimenta preta, sal, vinagre de maca e alho seco granulado. Acompanhe com um pao tipo broa, mesmo muito saboroso, ate o meu pai gostou! Os produtos sao todos caseiros♥


Quick pasta lunch :)

Midnight cooking! Just finished cooking our lunch tomorrow, very simple pasta with spinach, mushrooms and portuguese chorizo in a fresh tomato sauce It takes 15 minutes only! Good night x


Acabei agora mesmo de cozinhar o nosso almoço para o dia de amanha, é uma massa de espinafres, cogumelos, chouriço com molho de tomate fresco, muito simples e saboroso, sò demora uns 15 minutinhos! Boa noite 🙂

Coconut and olive oil cookies/ bolachas de aveia de azeite e coco

I made this cookies for my parents while I’m back in Portugal as both have diabetes,  and they have s swwet tooth. They really enjoyed it.

Fiz estas bolachas para os meus pais pois tem ambos diabetes e adoram doces, estas bolachinhas sao mais saudaveis que outras coisas que compram. E elez gostaram bastante!

Mix 2 eggs with 50grans of dessicated coconut,  3tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar/honey/agave, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon,  2 handfuls of raisins,  1 handful of walnuts , 100grams of oats and 125 grams of natural whole yoghurt.  Make sure everything is coated and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 m or until golden.

Misture 2 ovos batidos com 50 grs de coco seco, 3 colheres de sopa de azeite, 1 colher de sopa de acucar muscavado ou mel, 1 colher de cha de canela, 2 maos cheias de passas, 1 mao cheia de nozes partidas, 100grs de aveia e 1 iogurte natural inteiro/ 125grs. Misture ate tudo ficar bem mexido e vai ao forno durante 20 minutos a 180 graus.
