Salads, Salads oh so many salads! / Inspiração para saladas

I love salads, I eat salads during the whole year, but my palate changes with season, so if maybe in summer I eat a whole lettuce in my salad, when it gets colder I prefer apples, fennel, beetroot and other things. I will leave a few pictures just for inspiration. Salad does not need to be boring or tasteless, add some nuts and seeds too, to boost nutritional value and change texture! The thing I don’t change much is my salad dressing : extra virgin (cold extract) olive oil, pink salt, black pepper, oregano and organic apple cider vinegar, it’s sooo delicious I can’t explain. If you like a creamy salad dressing just add tiny bits of avocado and as it kind of melts it makes the dressing so amazingly creamy. What are your favorite salad ingredients?  ❤



Alguma inspiraçao para saladas, cà em casa comemos saladas o ano todo, vamos variando os ingredientes dependendo da estaçao. Se no verao comemos tanta alface e tomates (moro em Italia, como kilos de tomates que eu adoro!), quando esfria o tempo gosto de erva doce, beterraba, maça, cenouras etc… As saladas nao tem que ser aborrecidas e sem sabor, toca a adicionar frutos secos e sementes tambem para aumentar o valor nutricional e sabor! Eu tento comer sempre metade do prato de alimentos crus para ajudar a digestao e para fornecer vitaminas. O que eu nao mudo sao os meus temperos : azeite extraido a frio, sal rosa, pimenta preta, oregaos e vinagre biologic de maça. E um pequeno truque é adicionar abacate em pedaços pequeninos e grandes, os pequeninos desfazem-se e fazem com que a salada fique cremosa.


Quais sao as vossas saladas preferidas?

Lots of love,

Sandrina xx

Spaghetti squash “aglio, olio e peperoncino” garlic,oil and chili / Abòbora esparquete com azeite, malagueta e alho <3

Have you ever tried spaghetti squash?It’s type of pumpkin that when baked and forked out (you use a fork to take the flesh out) it resembles spaghetti and can be eaten as such! It’s wonderful. I always read about it on american blogs and was always soo curious but it’s not easy to find in Europe, but at last I found it in Italy, surprise, surprise as they are not even huge fans of pumpkins…This was my 1st time ever trying it, it’s really easy just cut it i half and scoop out the seeds after grease with olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Turn it upside down, flesh down and bake it for 50m at 220 degrees, or until soft at touch. Once you take it out, let it cool for a few minutes and with a fork take out the squash.
You can add anything you like to it, any pasta sauce. I added some more olive oil, salt, fresh chilies and black pepper. I served it simply with purple sauerkraut and cucumber salad. What do you think, do you love it, or not so much? 😀


Jà provaram abòbora esparguete ? Como o nome indica é um tipo de abòbora que quando cozinhada assemelha-se à massa esparguete e pode ser utilizada em vez da tal, aumentando assim o consumo diario de vegetais e é claro, muito mais saudavel! Jà tinha ouvido falar muito especialmente em videos/blogs americanos, mas pela Europa nao se sente tanto…Por isso fiquei mesmo contente quando encontrei esta variedade aqui em Italia e nao hesitei em experimentar.Preparei esta semana pela 1a vez e gostamos muito. A preparaçao é tambem muito facil. Cortar a meio a abòbora e retirar as sementes com a ajuda de uma colher. Colocar um fio de azeite, pimenta preta e alho em pò (ou outras especiarias que prefiram). Colocar a parte da polpa para baixo num tabuleiro de ir ao forno e assar durante 50m a 220 graus ou até ficar mole ao toque. Com a ajuda do garfo retirar a polpa da abòbora da casca e sairà aos fiozinhos. A esta massa vegetal pode-se adicionar qualquer molho desejado, eu simplesmente coloquei azeite, sal rosa e mais um bocadinho de pimenta preta e malagueta fresca. Servi com sauerkraut roxa e salada de pepino.Espero que experimentem e me digam que tal 😉

Lots of love,



Curried Bulgur and Mediterranean Bulgur / Bulgur com caril e Bulgur ao estilo mediterranico

I have to say I forgot about Bulgur wheat, until my dear friend Sandra made it when I was visiting a couple of weeks ago, since I came back I already cooked it twice, the curried bulgur it’s her recipe (I didn’t really ask so some things might be mixing 😉. I also made Mediterranean style bulgur, they are both very delicious indeed., they may look similar, but believe me, they taste very different! 🙂

For the bulgur use the rice technique : 1 bulgur for 2 water. Fry some onion and garlic in olive oil and add the bulgur salt and water and let it cook for 30 in low heat plus leave the lid on for a further 5 to 10m or until fluffy.

Choose your veggies of choice and chop them finely I used carrots, red peppers and zucchini and peas (just for the 1st). For the 1st recipe you fry the veggies with olive oil, onion and garlic, tomato passata ,paprika, chili and curry powder until soft. When all is mixed add some feta on top.
For the Mediterranean add the veggies plus some parsley and chopped sun dried tomatoes and fry in olive oil onion and garlic until soft. To spice it up I added chili oil (very hot) and a lot of fennel seeds.Mix the Bulgur with the veggies.I added some rucula, soft greens, linseed and sunflower seeds. ❤

P.S. Finally found an amazing restaurant with a vegan buffet, I’m seriously in love! If you live in Italy it’s in Rimini and it is called Bio’s Kitchen


Ja me tinha esquecido o quanto eu adoro bulgur! A minha querida amiga Sandra lembrou-me e ja fiz 2 receitas esta semana. A de Caril é dela e fiz tambem uma receita ao estilo mediterranico.

Para fazer a bulgur, fazer como se estivessem a fazer arroz, ou seja por cada medida de bulgur usar 2 de agua. Eu gosto de fritar cebola e alho em azeite e depois colocar a bulgur, agua e sal e deixar cozinhar com tampa durante 20 a 30m, depende da bulgur e depois com o fogo apagado mas com a tampa deixar absorver o resto da agua, durante mais uns 10m .

Escolher os vegetais : eu usei cenouras, pimentos vermelhos, courgette e ervilhas (so para a primeira), cortar bem fininhos e fritar em azeite, alho e cebola. Para a 1a receita os temperos sao sal, paprika, pò de caril , malagueta e polpa de tomate. Quando os legumes estiverem cozinhados, mas nao demais, misturar bem com a Bulgur e adicionar queijo feta.
Os temperos da 2a receita sao malaguetas picadas (usar bastante, sal, pimenta e muitas sementes de erva-doce, adicionar tambem se possivel tomates secos ao sol cortados aos bocadinhos (ou fresco se nao houver) e bastante salsa. Quando pronto misturar com a Bulgur e adicionar sementes de girassol, de linhaça, e agriao e rucula, servir quente ou frio, otimo para marmitas tambem! Embora tenham um aspecto parecido o sabor é completamente diferente e podem usar os vegetais que desejarem. Bom apetite x


Food inspiration chia crepioca with salad and baked veggies / Crepe de tapioca com salada e vegetais assados

Food inspiration for you ❤ This was our dinner tonight, hence the dark lighting. It was so delicious! Crepioca (crepe made with tapioca, it’s GF–> 2 eggs,2 tablespoons of tapioca and 2 TB of water + seasoning and if you like you can add some cheese too) with chia seeds, onion and parsley, served with an orange, avocado, fennel, nuts and lettuce salad and baked veggies. This crepe is for 2 people. All recipes in past posts.Enjoy x

Insparaçao para o vosso jantar (este foi o nosso, hoje) :Crepioca de sementes de chia, cebola e salsa(fritar um bocadinho antes a cebola e salsa em azeite antes de juntar a massa do crepe) : crepe feito com farinha de tapioca ( sem gluten–> 2 ovos, 2 colheres de sopa de tapioca e 2 colheres de sopa de agua *temperos a gosto e se desejarem podem adicionar queijo ralado), como acompanhamentos fiz uma salada de laranja, abacate, alface, amendoas e funcho e vegetais assados no forno. Todas as receitas estao em outros posts.O crepe serve 2 pessoas. Bom apetite 😉


Roast chicken – low fat , low carbs with vegetables

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately, but work has been too full on, and I have been too tired to post. Coming home eating something and watching my new addiction – homeland! So today I’m posting a couple of dishes to make up for it
Chicken thighs with no skin baked in the oven with olive oil, garlic, chili flakes, black pepper, salt and oregano till golden brown. I served it with a papaya, avocado, cucumber and olives salad. I made a light stew with spinach, mushrooms, fresh tomatoes and onion ( seasoning to taste, the usual) 2 m with the wok Enjoy! Lots of veggie goodness plus the protein from the chicken to keep you full. Low carb #grainfree –
Tomatoes are better for you cooked than raw –> the levels of antioxidants and lycopenes increase and makes it easier to be absorbed by the body. Also tomatoes (raw) should always be eaten with some kind of healthy fat (olive oil) -they are fat soluble anti oxidants – to make sure the antioxidants get taken up effectively in the digestive tract. Source : The clear skin cookbook.

Ultimamente nao tenho postado as minhas receitas porque tenho trabalhado imenso e andava demasiado cansada. Chegava a casa comia algo e via a minha nova serie favorita – homeland. Mas agora ja estou com horarios normais, por isso hoje vou colocar 2 receitas!
Coxa de galinha sem pele, assada no forno com pimenta, oregaos, sal, chili, azeite e alho ate douradas. Acompanhei com um estufado bem leve de cogumelos, espinafres, cebola e tomates frescos ( tempero q.b.) 2 minutos no wok E uma salada de papaya, abacate, pepino e azeitonas. Um jantar cheio de vegetais, logo muitas vitaminas e minerais + proteina da carne para ajudar a saciar.
A melhor maneira de consumir os tomates é cozinhada, ao contrario da maioria das frutas e vegetais, quando se cozinha os tomates aumenta-se os anti oxidantes e lycopenes ( o que dà ao tomate a cor vermelha). Quando se consome tomates crus, deve-se acompanhar sempre por uma gordura saudavel, como o azeite, pois os tomates sao um antioxidante lipossolúvel e necessita dessa gordura para ser absorvido pelo aparelho digestivo. Fonte : clear skin cookbook.

roast chicken

Holidays colourful salad!

Tonight’s dinner was a chicken salad with pomegranate, parsley, physalis and tree tomato, with an olive oil, salt, black pepper, dried garlic and cider vinegar dressing. Just boil some chicken and tear it in small pieces, and assemble, really delicious with rustic bread all fruit is from the back garden or from neighbours Even my father liked this!

Hoje temos salada de tomate arbol, roma, salsa, physalis e frango caseiro. Coza o frango e desfie, junte todos os ingredientes e faca um vinaigrette de azeite, pimenta preta, sal, vinagre de maca e alho seco granulado. Acompanhe com um pao tipo broa, mesmo muito saboroso, ate o meu pai gostou! Os produtos sao todos caseiros♥


Waffle sandwich bread – rosemary and garlic!

English Version :

What are you having for lunch? I just had a camembert, tomato and watercress waffle sandwich ( with garlic and rosemary )! Delish 

For the waffle bread :
1 cup of oats
1 cup of wholemeal flour
1/2 cup of protein powder ( or just flour)
1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 pinch of salt
2.5 cups of water

Fry 1 big clove of garlic with 1 tablespoon of dry rosemary and olive oil. Mix this with all the above ingredients. Place into waffle maker for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve with your favourite sandwich fillers! Makes 4 closed sandwiches or 8 open. I believe you can do it as a pancake, but it will require patience, it has to be done slowly and without flipping it too much in a slow heat.

Versão Portuguesa:

O que vão comer hoje ao almoçco? Eu fiz uma sandwich- waffle ( com alho e rosmaninho) de tomate camembert e agrião! Delicioso )

Para o Pão-Waffle:
1 taça de aveia
1 taça de farinha integral
1/2 taça de proteina em pò ( ou farinha integral)
1/2 taça de sementes de cabaça
1 colher de chà de bicabornato de soda
1 pitada de sal
2.5 taças de agua

Frite 1 dente de alho picado com uma colher de rosmaninho em azeite. Quando feito misture com todos os ingredientes, deve ficar com uma massa liquida, mas não demasiado. Coloque na maquina de fazer waffles e espere entre 10 a 15 minutos. Sirva com os recheios de que gosta mais!Faz 4 sandwiches fechadas ou 8 abertas. Se quiser fazer como crepe tambem pode, mas tem que ser em lume brando e com bastante paciencia para não patir.



I didn’t know I much I missed the gym, until I started again! Today went for a yoga class and fell amazing, full of energy, have another class tonight, yay! Need to go to swim too, as this new gym that I joined has a good pool, haven’t done that since high school 😮  Do you swim? Do you prefer it to classes? Have a lovely end of the week, and keep healthy xx

Sushi night!


We love sushi in the house, so every once in awhile we do it at home…
Just boil the rice, 1 part rice to 2 water, cook for 10m, remove from heat keep the lid on for another 10 minutes.
Spread rice on seaweed and fill with whatever you like, we did smoked salmon and avocado, tuna mayo and salad leaves and omelette and salad leaves.





Have a great week and tell me your tips for the perfect sushi! xx

Korean pancake! Broccoli, white fish, peppers and more!

Bought a korean pancake mix, from a shop near where I work, it’s basically flour with onion powder and I believe some food coloring that gives the pancake the yellow colour.  Next time I will do it without the bought packet
Boil some white fish and broccoli for 10m .  When done cut in small pieces. Cut in very thin pieces the carrots, peppers, spring onions and whatever other vegetables you want to add.  Mix the pancake powder with water, when well combined add vegetables.
On a hot pan add a bit of oil, regular, add a big scoop of the batter and fry for around 4m and flip, let it cook for another 5m or until golden brown.
I made a dipping sauce using soya sauce, sushi vinegar,  sesame seeds and if you like it hot some chilli flakes.
We had this with lots of salad (lettuce, tomatoes and peppers), seasoned with extra virgin olive oil salt and lots of lemon juice to cut through the fried pancake!
Have you tried this pancake? Which is your favourite recipe? I love korean food!
Take care, and remember it’s almost weekend xx


Quinoa, squid and squash salad!

Tonight’s dinner was a light, colorful salad. I just baked the squash, which I have to say that it takes an awful amount of time, 1h30m at least, should have cut it into smaller pieces! Cooked the quinoa, as I cook rice, first with a bit of garlic and olive oil and after adding water 1 part quinoa for 2 of water. Grilled the squid and cut the veggies. Once the cooked ingredients were cold/lukewarm  I plated, and that’s it! Really nice dinner 😉


Inside the squash, just like pumpkin, there are some seeds, which I baked with some salt and pepper and sprinkled on top of the salad, really tasty at no extra cost 😀



Quinoa : Is a seed ofa plant which belongs to the spinach family. it contains amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Is close to being one of the most complete foods in nature. Prevents and treats artherosclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes and insulin resistence.

And after dinner the family had ice cream,because we can’t be just very healthy 😉

What are your favorite’s quinoa dishes?

Take care a nd have a good week x