Simple scrambled eggs with greens and vegetables / Vegetais no forno com verdura e ovos mexidos

Lately (excluding christmas, of course) we have been enjoying eating in a simple way most of the time,so we eat a lot of roasted veggies, cooked greens, salads and some eggs. This is my latest favorite meal Just bake potatoes, carrots,onions or whatever you have on your fridge, like sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, fennel, etc.. once it’s done scramble some eggs mixed with a bit of roasted vegetables. Cook some greens on the side, depending on it, you can boil it for a few minutes or do it on a frying pan with a bit of olive oil and serve with a salad or raw vegetables. And match tea grade I, it’s expensive but a tiny bit goes a long way, and it’s so good for you. (…/14.htm)

Ultimamente aqui por casa andamos a comer coisas simples, sem demasiados ingredientes ou processos de cozedura ( o Natal nao conta!). Para este brunch fiz vegetais no forno, escolham os que preferirem ou tiverem por casa, como batatas, todos os tipos, cenouras, cebolas, nabos, couve de bruxelas, brocolos, etc, adicionar temperos desejados e deixar cozinhar bem, normalmente uns 40m. Fiz tambem verdes, cozinhei em agua durante 5 minutos, depende da qualidade, os meus eram caseiros e duritos, mas se for tipe espinafres podem so saltear na frigideira. Fiz tambem ovos mexidos misturados com um bocadinho dos vegetais no forno. Servir com uma salada ou vegetais crus. E tambem um cha’ verde, este e’ matcha na sua forma mais pura, e’ um bocadinho caro, mas dura imenso tempo. (


Food diaries :)

Let me leave you a link in case you wonder what portuguese food looks like, in a way more unhealthy but totally delicious way :

What I have been eating! Lentils, healthy cookies, chickpeas, soup and a lot of fruit , portuguese fruit tastes soooo good!

O que tenho comido em Portugal, lentilhas, grao de bico, bolachinhas saudaveis, muita fruta e sopinha. ❤


For the soup : chop 4 potatoes, 2 big carrots, 2 garlic cloves 1 medium onion, salt, pepper and olive oil. Let it boil for 30 minutes and blend. In the mean time wash and chop 2 types of cabbage ( you can use kale and white cabbage for example), when the soup is blended add the greens and let it cook for a further 15 to 20m (depends on the thickness of the cabbage). I never peel potatoes or carrots just wash them very well.


For the chickpeas makes 4 good size meals : 800g of chickpeas (in a jar, already cooked) and 3 eggs. Boil in water and salt for 25m. Drain and take the skin out of the eggs and chop them. Dice a small onion (white), add chopped parsley and 3 tablespoons of olive oil, adjust the salt and add chili flakes or piri piri or black pepper. Mix everything together (very well until the eggs fall apart and tyhe yolk sticks to the chick peas) Add black olives on top and it’s done.


Chocolate chip healthy cookies made with almond meal,oats, pieces of dark chocolate, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 of dark mascavado sugar and 2 eggs. #glutenfree #dairyfree



Soak lentils during the night, next day chop onion and garlic and cook it in olive oil, add tomatoes and courgetter and let it cook for a bit, add lentils and plenty of water with salt and chili flakes. Cook for 30 minutes or until soft.

Summer food

Hassle free summer food 🙂  Means less cooking more raw food when possible. Today I went to stock up on some essentials, like organic aloe vera cream, kimchi , organic sunscreen ( as I read the others are very bad for you..) , sushi rice, a oxford dictionary ( italian – english) probiotics, raw cider vinegar and a vit B complex! Lately my days have been simple, because my other half is not here anymore, so usually goes like this : breakfast is a bowl of porridge with peanut butter and fruit at 8 , around 12 I have an apple , 1 banana, few dates and if I’m still hungry I will have some oatcakes. At around 4 I wilk have my big meal, which will be some rice or pasta… with a side salad and maybe some hummus. When I feel hungry at night I will either have a salad or some fruit. What do you eat during summer? If you are alone what do you eat usually? Let me know xx

Agora que o meu mais que tudo ja foi para Italia, simplifiquei imenso as minhas refeiçoes, por norma como ao pequeno almoço como papas de aveia com leite de amendoa, por volta das 8, ao meio dia, como 2 ou 3 peças de fruta , maças, bananas, tamaras e se ainda estiver com fomo como umas bolachas de aveia. Là para as 4 como a minha refeiçao maior como arroz ou massa com uma salada e hummus, quando tiver fome mais a noite como outra salada ou fruta Adoro refeiçoes leves com o calor. Fui fazer umas compras hoje de coisas que me tinham acabado, como cremes biologicos, comprei 2 porque estavam a metade do preço vitaminas, protector solar biologico, pois aparentemente, os normais fazem mal…Kimchi, que é uma comida tipica corena, é tipo sauerkraut, mas picante, eu prefiro, arroz de sushi, vinagre cru de maça e cha. Digam-me qualé a vossa comida de verao, aquela que comem quando estao sozinhos. ❤

haul rice




Baba Ganoush

I love middle eastern food, definitely one of my favorite cuisines 😀

Baba Ganoush : (Arabic بابا غنوج bābā ghannūj, is a Levantine dish of cooked eggplant (aubergine) mixed with onions, tomatoes, olive oil and various seasonings.

I roasted 2 aubergines for 40 m at 180C, peeled them and put it in a food processor with olive oil, raw garlic and raw red onion, salt and pepper,lemon juice and tahini. Eat it with some kind of bread or crackers

Baba Ganoush é uma entrada servida com pao no medio oriente e na zona do mediterraneo. Fiz o pure com beringela assada (durante 40m a 180C e tirei a pele) , sumo de limao, alho, cebola roxa, sal, pimenta e pasta de sementes de sesamo (colocar tudo na trituradora durante uns 2 minutos) ❤


Breakfast Club , yes it means pancakes!

I’m obsessed with breakfast, lovely healthy sweet colorful fruity breakfasts! I try to make them as beautiful and diverse as I can, so I tend to have proper breakfast instead of toast and butter (which I did for many years). I don’t feel so hungry during the day and tend to eat less and make better choices 🙂 So this is what I have been having this week :

1 egg,1 banana, 2 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of chia and 1 tablespoon of flaxmeal. Topped with PB sticky dates and fruit / 1 ovo, 1 banana, 2 CS (colher de sopa) de aveia, 1 CS de sementes de chia, 1 CS de linhaça moida. Usar oleo de coco para cozinhar. Toppings foram tamaras doces, manteiga de amendoim e fruta.

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Simple version, banana, egg and oats  topped with passion fruit organic honey and strawberries. /Esta receita ja postei outras vezes, 1 ovo, 1 banana e aveia, colocar mel e maracujà por cima das panquecas e morangos .


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Healthy crepe: (makes 1) 1/2 a banana, 1 TBS of flax meal and 1 egg, cook in coconut oil. Inside was organic chocolate spread and berries. / Healthy crepe: (makes 1) 1/2 a banana, 1 TBS of flax meal and 1 egg, cook in coconut oil. Inside was organic chocolate spread and berries.

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Hidden vegetables risotto

So simple and tasty. Blend 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic and 1 courgette (using a food processor, or the smoothies maker). Put some olive oil in a pan and lightly fry the rice. Add the vegetable cream and keep stirring.Add as much water as necessary, it takes around 40m to cook and you will need to stir often. So worth it! Add salt, pepper, oregano. Add hard cheese and olive oil if you like. I went without the cheese, the others with. ❤

Arroz de vegetais escondidos. Numa trituradora colocar 4 tomates, 1 cebola, 2 dentes de alho e 1 courgette, até ficar em creme. Colocar um fio de azeite numa panela e “fritar” o arroz durante uns 5 minutos, em seguida adicionar o creme dos vegetais e continuar a mexer. Ir adicionando agua ate o arroz ficar cozinhado mais ainda al dente. Demora cerca de 40m e é necessario ir-se mexendo. Temperar com sal, pimenta, oregaos e no final adicionar um queijo duro e azeite ( os cà de casa adicionaram , para mim foi so com azeite).


risotto risotto2 risotto3

My day off in food pictures ! Market goods, green smoothie, pancakes etc

Although this week I have just one day off, today, I decided I was going to be very productive! Bread, smoothie, pancakes, shopping and so on ❤
I love beautiful sunny days, markets and trying new recipes, so this is what came out of it, enjoy 🙂

For breakfast I had some chocolate and oats pancakes with lots of fruits :



As I made some extra almond milk, I had some almond pulp leftover so I decided to bake some bread.

Recipe :

70gr of almond pulp / 70gr de farinha de amendoa

100gr of flaxseed meal / 100gr de farinha de linhaça

200gr of red teff flour (gluten free, full of goodness) / 200gr de farinha teff ou trigo sarraceno

2 tablespoons of olive oil / 2 colheres de sopa de azeite

salt / sal

1 tablespoon of psyllium husk / 1 colher de sopa de psyllium

2 tablespoons of chia seeds / 2 colheres de sopa de sementes chia

4 or 5 tablespoons of poppy seeds / 4 ou 5 colheres de sopa de sementes de papoila

1 teaspoon of baking powder / 1 colher de cha de fermento

400ml of tepid water (or less 350ml) / 400ml de agua morna ( or a bit less 350ml)

Mix all the ingredients together and bake for 1 hour at 190C. This dough is wet, almost like cake batter, because of the lack of gluten, and therefore doesn’t need to prove.

Misturar tudo bem misturado e cozer durante 1 hora a 190C . Esta massa é quase tipo a massa de bolo, pois nao tem gluten, dai tambem nao precisar de descansar para crescer.

The lunch was my homemade bread with scrambled eggs (with onion, parsley, chili and garlic).



After this I went out to enjoy my day off and went to a market to buy some fruits and veggies, as I decided to start drinking 1 smoothie a day for breakfast! Do you drink smoothies everyday? I am such a late bloomer 😉



And last my 1st homemade smoothie! OMG it’s sooooo good, can’t believe I didn’t try this before 😮

*A handfull of spinach with stalks / 1a mao cheia de espinafres com os toros

* 2 fresh dates / 2 tamaras maduras

*1 frozen banana / 1 banana congelada

5 or 6 black grapes / 5 ou 6 uvas pretas

* 1 teaspoon of desiccated coconut / 1 colher de chà de coco seco

7 or 8 almonds / 7 ou 8 amendoas ( when drinking smoothies you should always mix nuts in, if you are not allergic, or hemp, as the protein in it avoids the blood sugar to rise, from the fruit consumption) ; Deve-se misturar sempre nozes nos smoothies pois evitam que o açucar no sangue suba, devido ao consumo de fruta, devido ao alto teor de proteina, se forem alergicos, sementes de canhamo)

2 strawberries / 2 morangos

1 teaspoon of wheatgrass / 1 colher de chà de erva trigo

Enough almond milk to blend (or water) / Leite de amendoa suficiente para misturar na liquidificadora (ou agua)

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Chocolate cake, no nasties! Bolo de chocolate saudavel e humido.

Delicious and healthy chocolate cake/ Bolo de chocolate humido e saudavel

This was my experiment yesterday, because I need my treats!
Recipe :
*140 gr of spelt flour + 1 tablespoon of self rising (others flours are ok too)
*70 gr of chocolate powder (good one, dark)
*1 tablespoon of baking powder
*3 eggs
*2 small organic grated apples (I used the skin too)
*160 gr of natural yogurt
*7 tablespoons of maple syrup
*2 tablespoons of olive oil
* Optional – 1 tablespoon of tahini

Mix all the ingredients together. Grease and flour a tray and bake at 180C for 40m or until cooked through.Enjoy!


Mais uma experiencia com resultados optimos! Adoro

Receita :
*140gr de farinha de espelta + 1 colher de sopa de farinha fermentada (ou outras farinhas que prefiram)
*70 gr de chocolate em pò ( de boa qualidade, escuro)
*1 colher de sopa de fermento
*3 ovos
* 2 maças raladas bio (nao muito grandes)
*160 gr de iogurte natural
*7 colheres de sopa de adoçante natural (eu usei xarope de açer)
*2 colheres de sopa de azeite
* Opcional – 1 colher de tahini (creme de sementes de sesamo)

Misturar todos os ingredientes. Untar a forma e colocar farinha. Cozinhar o bolo a 180C durante 40m ou ate inserir uma faca e sair seca. Bom apetite ❤

bolo1 bolo

Vegan hearty soup

Today’s lunch post Pilates class and 5km run was a soup Cook all the ingredients except the kale, for 30m and blend. Add the kale and 1/2 cup of quinoa and cook for a further 20m. Serve with seeds to up the protein intake The white frozen thing are butter beans, that have been sprouted and cooked. ❤soup

Depois da minha aula de pilates e uma corrida de 5km fiz uma sopa. Cozinhar todos os ingredientes excepto a couve, durante 30m e usar a varinha magica. Adicionar a couve e a quinoa e cozinhar durante 20m. Servir com sementes de canhamo por cima se quiserem mais proteina. Bom dia! –> aquela coisa branca congelada sao feijoes brancos que ja germinei e cozinhei.

Healthy and delicious French Toast !

Breakfast today, because only chocolate would do! French Toast with melted chocolate and pomegranate seeds Dip 2 slices of good bread in egg, milk (organic) cinnamon and honey and cook them in coconut oil. Set aside. In the same pan add 100% chocolate, milk, a bit of cocoa powder and a bit of honey, let it all melt and thicken, add a tiny bit of coconut oil to the mix. Assemble ;D chocolate is your filling. So Yum!

Rabanadas com molho de chocolate e roma para o pequeno almoço! Molhar 2 fatias de pao ( de sementes) em ovo e leite (biologicos de preferencia), canela e um bocadinho de mel. Cozinhar com oleo virgem de coco. Para o chocolate derreter chocolate preto 100% com um bocadinho de leite, cacau em pò, um bocadinho de mel e oleo de coco, deixar engrossar Colocar o chocolate derretido no meio das fatias e colocar as sementes de roma por cima.
