Figs and banana upside down cake <3

Made this one with plain flour and yeast for bread as I finished the regular one, which gave the cake a bread consistency. The topping is juicy, sweet and spiced with cardamon, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, citrus zest , 2 bananas, 1 can of figs and honey, cooked for a few minutes, until soft but not mashed. Grease a cake tin and put this onto the bottom of the tin and place the cake batter on top (for the cake you can use any plain sponge recipe, more or less healthy) ❤

Bolo de figos e bananas

Para a massa do bolo, usar a vossa receita preferida ( mais saudavel ou menos saudavel, como preferirem, um simples pao de lò serve bem), o meu bolo ficou com uma consistencia de pao pois usei farinha sem fermento e fermento de pao (pois tinha acabado a de fazer bolos, mas està bastante saboroso! ). Para o topping cozinhar figos (eu usei de lata porque nao arranjei frescos) e 2 bananas com um bocado de mel, canela, cravinho, cardamo, raspa de laranja e limao e baunilha, durante uns minutos, ate amolecerem mas nao ate perderem a forma.
Untar a forma desejada e colocar este topping, doce e maravilhoso no fundo, em seguida colocar a massa do bolo e cozinhar. Desenformar enquanto quente. Sei que em Prtugal o tempo arrefeceu um bom bocado, entao esta receita ainda saberà melhor assim! 🙂

cake cake2

Vegan dishes – sweet potato, quinoa, millet, kale!

Today I have a few simple dishes for you, the 1st is a side dish of golden couscous with kale: lightly cook the kale on a pan with a touch of oil, add water with quite a bit of turmeric, salt and pepper to the couscous, once done mix Kale and couscous together. Serve as a side dish or let it cool down and use as part of a salad.

2nd is baked sweet potato with quinoa and millet cooked with asparagus and mushrooms.
Bake the sweet potato for 40m at 160C or until sof, no need to add salt or oil. On a pan cook garlic, onion with olive oil, once soft add the mushrooms and asparagus, let it cook for 5 minutes, add quinoa and millet (soaked previously for a few hours), and fry lightly, at this point you can use a bit of white wine or beer (if you want), otherwise just add water like you would with rice, add seasoning and let it cook for 20m or until water is absorbed.

Hoje fica aqui 2 pratos simples, o de cous cous e couve : cozinhar o couscous com bastante açafrao das indias sal e pimenta (de acorodo com as indicaçoes). Numa frigideira adicionar um fio de azeite ou agua e cozinhar a couve ate tenra, mas nao desfeita. Misturar a couve com o couscous e servir como acompanhamento ou deixar arrefecer e fazer uma salada, adiconando vegetais crus.

O 2o prato é batata doce assada no forno durante 40m sem condimentos a 160C e quinoa e painço (ou sò quinoa) : cozinhar uma cebola e 1 dente de alho com azeite, depois adicionar aspargos e cogumelos e deixar cozinhar durante 5 minutos, acrescentar vinho ou cerveja se desejar, colocar a quinoa e painço e fritar durante 5 minutos, adicionar agua (mesma quantidade como se fosse arroz 2 para 1 ), colocar sal, pimenta e outros condimentos que gostar, deve estar pronto em 20m ou quando a agua estiver completamente absorvida. Bom apetite!

cc sweet potato

Quick treat :)

Quick treat for my love ❤
Made with coconut milk, eggs, avocado, chocolate powder, honey, oats, flour and baking powder. Chocolate topping is dark chocolate pieces melted with coconut milk and a tiny bit of honey and served with mashed strawberries.

Um doce rapido para o meu amor feito com leite de coco, farinha, aveia, abacate, chocolate em pò, ovos, fermento,mel. Cobertura chocolate de barra escuro derretido em leite de coco e mel,. Servi com morangos amassados. Boa noite! 🙂


Yes, pancakes :)

This pancake recipe, besides the banana, eggs, oats combo has baking soda and coconut too, very light!

Desta vez adicionei a banana, aveia e ovos, um bocadinho de coco ralado (seco) e bicabornato de sodio, o que fez com que as panquecas ficassem mais leves ❤


Another list of dirty 12 and clean 15, have a look, save yourself some money, and invest it where needed. I should carry this list more often as I end up buying organic where it doesn’t make a difference and the other way around..

Link :

Mais uma lista das frutas e vegetais com mais ou menos pesticidas, chamados os 12 sujos e os 15 limpos. O link esta em ingles (nos comentarios), mas os limpos sao : abacate, milho, ananas,couve, ervilhas congeladas, cebolas,asparagus, mangas, papayas, kiwis,beringela , toranja, melao, couve flor e batatas doces.
Os sujos, ou seja aquelas que deveriamos comprar biologicos sao : maças (sem duvida a pior, este compro sempre biologico), morangos, uvas, aipo, pessegos, espinafres, pimentos, pessegos carecas, pepinos, tomates cereja e batatas.
Devia ser uma lista que levamos sempre connosco para o supermercado, eu pelo menos acabo sempre por confundir as 2…


Baked oatmeal cake, so easy and delicious!

Baked oatmeal/ porridge cake :

Mix everything you would and a bit more on your porridge and bake it instead of cooking, I made a bigger version, so we can have a few slices out of it, mine is rich with dates, figs, raisins, grated apple banana spices and dark chocolate ❤
Grease a tin and bake like a cake, you know 180C 30m, depending on size of the cake.

Bolo de “papas de aveia”

Adicionar os ingredientes para fazer papas de aveia, leite de preferencia (ou um smoothie de banana e agua como eu), e em vez de co<inhar numa panela, usar uma forma e colocar no forno a 180C, o tempo depende do tamanho. No meu bolo coloquei bastantes tamaras, figos secos, passas, maça ralada, canela, gengibre em pò e pedacinhos de chocolate, ficou uma delicia, e pode-se comer frio tambem! Boa semana 🙂

oatmeal cake

Black beans 2 ways, vegan

One of our favorite foods is Black Beans, they are delicious, nutritious and a great substitute for meat, but never good looking, I’m afraid..
This are 2 simple dishes one with couscous with a mushroom,spinach and black beans stew, the 2nd is a mix of white and black rice (hence the purple color) and kale, tomatoes and black beans stew. Always a winner in our house

Aqui em casa adoramos feijao preto, é super nutritivo e maravilhoso em vez de carne. Nunca parece é muito apetitoso, mas garanto que o é
Estes 2 pratos sao bem simples, 2 estufados de feijao preto, um com cogumelos, espinafres e cous cous e outro com couve e tomate e uma mixtura de arroz branco e preto, dai a cor roxa .

black beans stew

black beans stew 2

Baba Ganoush

I love middle eastern food, definitely one of my favorite cuisines 😀

Baba Ganoush : (Arabic بابا غنوج bābā ghannūj, is a Levantine dish of cooked eggplant (aubergine) mixed with onions, tomatoes, olive oil and various seasonings.

I roasted 2 aubergines for 40 m at 180C, peeled them and put it in a food processor with olive oil, raw garlic and raw red onion, salt and pepper,lemon juice and tahini. Eat it with some kind of bread or crackers

Baba Ganoush é uma entrada servida com pao no medio oriente e na zona do mediterraneo. Fiz o pure com beringela assada (durante 40m a 180C e tirei a pele) , sumo de limao, alho, cebola roxa, sal, pimenta e pasta de sementes de sesamo (colocar tudo na trituradora durante uns 2 minutos) ❤


Strawberry and chia jam <3

Strawberry jam And what to do with it

*400g of ripe strawberries
*1 tablespoons of honey
*juice of half a lemon
* 5 dates or more honey
*2 tablespoons of chia seeds
* a few tablespoons of water
Cook for 20 minutes, mash the strawberries a bit.

Conserva de morangos e algumas ideias :

*400gr de morangos
*1 colher de sopa de mel + 5 tamaras ou mais mel
*sumo de meio limao
*2 colheres de sopa de sementes chia
*um bocadinho de agua
Cozinhar tudo durante cerca de 20 minutos, esmagar um bocadinho os morangos.

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More pancakes! So fluffy and tasty

IMG_7018 IMG_7019My other half asked for pancakes, and that’s what I made for us ❤
Panquecas para mim e para ele :

#dairyfree #glutenfree

2 eggs / 2 ovos
1 teaspoon of psyllium husk (optional)/ 1 colher de chà casca das sementes de psílio (opcional)
1 big banana / 1 banana grande
coconut oil to cook / oleo de coco para cozinhar

Toppings :

*Peanut butter/ manteiga de amendoim
*Blackberry jam / Conserva de amora
*Banana cooked in coconut oil, cinnamon and honey / Banana cozinhada em oleo de coco, canela e mel

Have a good weekend! 😀
Bom fim de semana

Gluten free, dairy free chocolate cake / Bolo de chocolate

I broke my phone 😦 so that makes my life more difficult when it comes to the internet! So annoyed! Will try to sort that out today, have no idea how much I am going to be charged for a new screen, hope not much, as I will buy my intensive Italian course today, which is not cheap.

On the other hand, this week my experiments were a total success 😀 This chocolate cake is so good, it doesn’t taste healthy at all! I gave a couple of slices to a friend that has many food intolerance s and she loved it, so I’m chuffed 🙂 It has a bit more chocolate and maple than usual but I really wanted a treat, and my partner has been asking me to make my cakes more chocolatey so he was very happy too. Have a lovely weekend fellow bloggers  ❤

#glutenfree #dairy free chocolate cake

This cake is a treat but it’s part of you 5 a day too
You will need a food processor or a very fine grater.
*240gr of courgette
*100gr of carrots
*3 eggs
*4 or 5 tablespoons of maple (100%)
*4 tablespoons of chocolate powder,good, dark
*100gr of rice maize (like rice flour but with more texture, just like polenta).
*2 tablespoons of oil of choice ( I used pure sunflower, but I think you can reduce to 1 as it is quite moist)
*1 cup of dark chocolate cgips ( or dark chocolate cut in small pieces)
* 1 teaspoon of baking powder + 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar
*1 heaped tablespoon of coconut flour

Blend the vegetables in the food processor or grate it very finely, add all the ingredients to the food processor (except chocolate chips) and let it smooth it out for a minute. Add the chocolate chips now and fold.
Grease a baking tray and flour it (with the rice maize) . Cook at 180C for 30 to 40 m or until baked.

Bolo de chocolate sem lactose e sem gluten e sem açucar refinado

Para este bolo é necessario uma trituradora ou um raspador .
Ingredientes :

*240 grs de courgette
*100grs de cenoura
*3 ovos
*4 colheres ou 5 de xarope de acer ou mel
*4 colheres de sopa de cacau em pò, escuro
*100 grs de farinha de arroz granulada, nao da fina
*2 colheres de sopa de oleo, coco ou girassol (pode-se diminuir para 1)
*1 taça de chocolate escuro partido aos bocadinhos
*1 colher de chà de soda + 1 colher de chà de vinagre de maça (para fazer o bolo mais leve)
*1 colher de sopa bem cheia de farinha de coco ( se usar outra farinha colocar 2 colheres).

Triturar ou raspar os vegetais e colocar os restantes ingredientes na trituradora ( excepto o chocolate partido aos bocadinhos) ate ficar tudo homogeneo ( se nao tiver trituradora depois de raspar os vegetais , usar a varinha magica so para os ovos e os vegetais e o resto dos ingredinetes misturar a mao). Colocar o chocolate e mexer bem. Untar a forma e colocar farinha de arroz. Cozinhar o bolo a 180C entre 30 e 40m . Bom apetite!

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