Celebratory Strawberry mascarpone cake / Bolo de laranja e morangos

For this orange sponge cake with mascarpone and strawberries you will need :

6 eggs
250grs of sugar

200grs of flour
Juice and peel grated of a big orange
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Pre heat the oven at 180C.
With a hand mixer on medium speed beat the whole eggs with sugar until it triples size. Add the juice and peel and the flour very slowly. Add the baking powder at last. Grease and flour the container where you are going to bake the cake. You can use 2 smaller ones or cut the cake in half ( to put the cream inside) once is cold. Cooking time depends on oven, mine is old took ages 40m, but if your is new keep an eye on it after 20/25m.

Mix 400grs of mascarpone cheese with some orange juice and sugar or maple, this is to taste. Mix until creamy and looks like whipped cream. Divide in 2 . To the first part add lots of chopped strawberries anf fill the middle of the cake as filling. To the other half add a strawberry sauce (process strawberries with some powdered sugar) and cover the cake. Keep some of that sauce to drizzle on top. Add fruit to your tasting on top and kerp it in the fridge u til is time to serve. If you can nake it the night befire is even better.
This is a childhood cake, hope you enjoy it. Thank you aunt for the recipe 😉

strawberry cake

Para este bolo delicioso necessitam de :

6 ovos
250grs açúcar
200grs de farinha

Raspa e sumo de 1 laranja bem grande
1 colher de chá de fermento
Este bolo não tem manteiga/óleo

Bater os ovos inteiros com o açúcar até triplicar. Adicionar a raspa e sumo continuar a bater com a batedeira, adicionar aos poucos a farinha e mesmo no como fermento. O orno deve estar já pré aquecido a 180 graus.O tempo varia, no meu que é super velhinho demorou 40m , mas num forno novo começar a prestar atenção depois dos 20/25m. Quando esfriar cortar ameio, ou podem dividir. Massa em 2 formas.
400grs de mascarpone, adicionar sumo de laranja, açúcar em pó ou xarope de acer. Dividir em 2, num colocar pedaços de morango ( esta parte vai para o meio do bolo como recheio. A outra metade serve para cobrir o bolo. Eu passei com a varinha magica morangos e um bocadinho de açúcar em pó e misturei na 2a parte do creme. Guardei um bocadinho deste molho para colocar por cima do bolo depois de decorado. Por cima coloquei mais morangos, romã e bocadinhos de conserva de amora. Ir ao frigorífico até servir. Eu fiz na noite anterior para ficar bem fresquinho!
Esta receita é da minha tia, e o bolo é maravilhoso, lembra me a minha infância. Espero que gostem ❤

strawberry cake topping

Easy peasy veggie tart / Tarte de vegetais super facil


Easy peasy pie :
Sorry I have been a bit lazy the last couple of weeks, but here it is an easy and delicious pie for you! The pastry is a shop bought one, just buy one without a lot of bad things.. In a pan fry finely chopped 3carrots, 200grs of mushrooms,1/2a leek and garlic(and some salt and pepper and herbs) with olive oil until tender. Beat 3 eggs with half a cup of water and 1 full tablespoon of tapioca starch (potato should work too) and some seasoning, add the cooked veggies and mix well. If you wish grate a tiny bit of Parmigiano cheese on top.Bake at 190C for 40m or until set and golden brown


Tarte de vegetais sem super facil:
Comprar uma massa para fazer tortas tipo quiche (ou façam voces mesmos se tiverem tempo) 😉 de boa qualidade. Numa frigideira colocar azeite, 2dentes de alho, 1/2 alho frances, 200grs de cogumelos frescos e 3 cenouras cortados bem fininhos, sal e pimenta e deixar cozinhar ate começarem a ficar moles.Numa taça bater 3 ovos com meia taça de agua e 1 colher de sopa bem cheia de tapioca ou maizena, adicionar sal e peimenta a gosto. Colocar os vegetais junto com os ovos e mexer bem e colocar dentro da massa. Se desesjarem podem ralar um bocadinho de queijo tipo o Parmigiano por cima. Que previamente foi colocada na forma ja levemente untada. Assar a 190C durante 40m ou ate ficar dourada por fora e o recheio estiver cozido. Bom apetite 🙂


Chickpeas and chocolate cookies, amazing! #GF / Bolachinhas de grao de bico e chocolate ;)

Amazing chickpeas chocolate cookies! I promise you won’t even notice 😉 #glutenfree #grainfree

240grs of chickpeas (a can,drained and rinsed)
1.5 Tablespoons of peanut butter
2 tablespoons of maple syrup + 2 tablespoons of raw sugar (or use just one)
2 tablespoons of ricotta (or 40grs of yogurt)
70grs of almond meal
60 grs of dark chocolate in pieces

Mix everything (except the chocolate) in the food processor until smooth, add the chocolate pieces. Bake for 15 to 20m at 190C. It will be a bit soft when baked. Let it cook completely before eating. Enjoy!

chickpeas cookies


Bolachas feitas com grao de bico e chocolate, sao deliciosas e juro que nao se sente o sabor. Estas bolachas nao contem gluten.

240grs de grao cozido e bem lavado
1.5 colheres de sopa de manteiga de amendoim
4 colheres de sopa de adoçante (usei 2 de açucar cru nao refinado e 2 de xarope de acer)
2 colheres de sopa de queijo fresco, usei ricotta, mas tambem podem usar 40grs de yogurte natural
60grs de chocolate preto aos pedacinhos
70grs de farinha de amendoas ( se tiverem uma trituradora basta picar as amendoas ou comprar ja feito)

Na trituradora picar tudo muito bem (excepto o chocolate) ate ficar bem macio, depois misturar o chocolate. A massa deve ser bastante pegajosa, é facil fazer as bolachinhas. Assar duramte 15 a 20m a 190C. As bolachas ficam molinhas tem que deixar arrefecer bem antes de comer, pois endurecem quando esfriam. Bom apetite 🙂


Wild salmon 2 ways ( inexpensive tricks) / Salmao selvagem 2 maneiras (economico)

English Version :
1 – Baked “Teriyaki ” salmon with plain rice
2 – Spinach, leeks and salmon pasta

You should always eat wild salmon instead of farmed salmon, for various reasons, but because the wild is much more nutritious due to their diet. Eating seaweed makes wild salmon with a higher amount of omega 3, read more here : http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/04/15/wild-alaskan-salmon.aspx
It is quite expensive so I decided to show what you can do with 2 wild salmon fillets. I was able to make 4 meals out of them ( 2 recipes, 2 meals each).

1- Cook sushi rice according to directions.
Mix 1/2 a cup of soy sauce with 1 tablespoon of raw brown sugar and 1 teaspoon of hot sauce, I used Sriracha but you can use tabasco, piri piri etc..and some garlic powder .Put the sauce on top of the salmon fillets and bake in the oven at 200C for around 12m or check when it’s cooked but not dry. Serve on top of rice with a big green salad. The full fillet was just for the picture, half is enough believe me.

2 – Fry half a leek chopped with garlic, oilve oil and chili flakes or fresh ones and some salt, when soft add a bit of white wine and let it cook for 2 minutes, add fresh spinach (a lot) and cover for 3 minutes, stir and add flaked salmon( the 2nd fillet that we did with the rice but didn’t use) mix as little as possible, only just enough to warm it 2 to 3 minutes should be enough. Your pasta should be cooked by now, just mix it all together, in case is a bit dry add a bit of the water from cooking the pasta.
Hope you enjoy it.

Lots of love, Sandrina x


Versao Portuguesa :

1 – Salmao no forno com molho “Teriyaki “e arroz branco
2 – Massa de alho frances, espinafres e salmao desfiado

O salmao selvagem é muito mais nutritivo que o salmao de cativeiro, devido a sua dieta rica em algas e outras plantas naturais, fazendo com que a proporçao de omega 3 sejam muito mais altos que os O6, ler mais aqui –>http://www.pesca.sp.gov.br/noticia.php?id_not=12219

O Salmao selvagem custa o dobro do salmao de cativeiro, mas vale a pena, aqui ficam 2 sugestoes para aproveitarem ao maximo o vosso salmao, cada receita serviu 2 pessoas.

1- Cozinhar o arroz. Entretanto misturar meia taça de molho de soja com 1 colher de açucar escuro e uma colher de chà de molho picante como o piri piri e alho em pò. Colocar este molho em cima dos 2 filetes de salmao e levar ao forno a 200C durante uns 12 minutos ou até estar cozinhado mas nao seco. Servir com o arroz e uma salada verde. Um filete para 2, estava todo no meu prato so para a foto 😉


2-Cozinhar a massa. Entretanto cortar meio alho frances as rodelas e fritar em azeite com alho e malagueta fresca ou seca e sal. Quando estiver bem mole adicionar vinho branco e deixar evaporar durante uns 2 minutos, adicionar bastantes espinafres frescos e colocar uma tampa durante 2 ou 3 minutos e mexer. Desfiar levemente o 2° filete de salmao, que cozinhamos na receita anterior e tinhamos guardado no frigorifico (ou congelador) e adicionar aos espinafres e deixar aquecer, no maximo uns 3 minutos, sem mexer muito para nao desfazer o salmao. Quando estiver tudo pronto misturar a massa e os vegetais e salmao e servir (se estiver um bocadinho seca adicionar um bocadinho de agua da cozedura da pasta).

Bom apetite smile emoticon

Banana and chocolate muffins / Bolinhos de banana e chocolate

This is an update on this post : https://fionabluerecipes.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/best-ever-vegan-banana-bread/

Banana and Chocolate Muffins:
Who wants some healthy muffins? My banana bread recipe makes beautiful muffins. The good thing about this recipe is that you can change around the ingredients and it always comes out well. The original recipe is vegan but I’m giving indications for the picture version 🙂


-100grs of self rising flour ( you can mix white and other like rye or wholemeal, if you don’t have self rising you can add yeast like I did)
-200grs of barley or oat flakes (or just 100grs of oats plus some more flour)
-4 big mashed bananas ( or like I did 2 mashed bananas plus 100grs of natural whole yogurt and 50grs of apple sauce)
-1 cup of raisins (you can omit, this time I didn’t put it)
-5 tablespoons of maple syrup or raw sugar
-2 big tablespoons of melted coconut oil(or other oil) (if using yogurt no need for oil, but you can add 1 big tablespoon of peanut butter)
– 1 cup of cacao nibs or dark chocolate pieces

For the muffins I used the () version I also chopped 1 banana and mixed through the batter.
Just mix all the ingredients together and bake at 180C for 40 minutes, but check always as it varies.

Versao Portuguesa :

Bolinhos de Banana e chocolate preto

Se quiserem fazer um doce saudavel este fim de semana, podem fazer o meu “pao” de banana em formas para cupcakes e fica delicioso! Esta receita é super versatil, podem variar os ingredientes e fica sempre bem, ja fiz esta receita imensas vezes e quase sempre uma versao diferente e gostam sempre 🙂

-100grs de farinha para bolos (desta vez misturei farinha de bolo branca com farinha de centeio)
-200grs de flocos de cevada ou de avena (ou 100grs de avena mais 100 de farinha)
-4 bananas grandes amassadas ( ou 2 bananas amassadas + 100grs de yogurt branco + 50grs de aqueles potinhos de puré de maça ou simplesmente 150grs de iogurte ou queijo fresco)
-1 taça de passas (ou como fiz desta vez 1 banana cortada aos pedaços)
-5 colheres de sopa de xarope de acer or açucar escuro
-2 colheres de sopa de oleo de coco derretido (ou outro) – se usarem iogurte nao ha necessidade para adicionar oleo, mas podem adicionar 1 colher de sopa de manteiga de amendoim como eu fiz, que da um sabor bom.
– 1 taça de cacao cru ou pedacinhos de chocolate escuro

Misturar tudo bem misturado e assar a 180C durante 40m, mas tem que ir prestando ateçao pois varia de acordo com fornos e formas 🙂
Bom apetite x

Food inspiration chia crepioca with salad and baked veggies / Crepe de tapioca com salada e vegetais assados

Food inspiration for you ❤ This was our dinner tonight, hence the dark lighting. It was so delicious! Crepioca (crepe made with tapioca, it’s GF–> 2 eggs,2 tablespoons of tapioca and 2 TB of water + seasoning and if you like you can add some cheese too) with chia seeds, onion and parsley, served with an orange, avocado, fennel, nuts and lettuce salad and baked veggies. This crepe is for 2 people. All recipes in past posts.Enjoy x

Insparaçao para o vosso jantar (este foi o nosso, hoje) :Crepioca de sementes de chia, cebola e salsa(fritar um bocadinho antes a cebola e salsa em azeite antes de juntar a massa do crepe) : crepe feito com farinha de tapioca ( sem gluten–> 2 ovos, 2 colheres de sopa de tapioca e 2 colheres de sopa de agua *temperos a gosto e se desejarem podem adicionar queijo ralado), como acompanhamentos fiz uma salada de laranja, abacate, alface, amendoas e funcho e vegetais assados no forno. Todas as receitas estao em outros posts.O crepe serve 2 pessoas. Bom apetite 😉


Vegan pasta with cherry tomatoes,fried peppers and nuts/ Massa com molho de tomate cereja, pistachios e pimento frito <3

English Version:

Last week my sister came to visit, lots of love 😀 so I didn’t cook much, as we were out a lot. We had a lot of fun, went to see some fantastic caves with salt formations inside, went ice skating and to see some castles and amazing landscape, god bless Italy 😉 And tonight my other half and I are going to check out this voluntary work to see if it’s a good fit, really hope so, as I have been looking for awhile. This institution is quite small and they help people and animals in need.

So, for today’s recipe: 2 people eating well or a small leftover

1 packet of pasta (for gluten free you can use corn or rice pasta, vegetarian can use fresh pasta, just cook according to time in the packet) I used around 300grs

1 can of cherry tomato sauce (the one with whole tomatoes not passata)

1/2 small onion

2 cloves of garlic

5 fried peppers (the long ones,sweet, already fried in olive oil, I had mine frozen as I did a big batch and froze in little portions)

handful of cashews and pistachios

handful of rucola/arugula/rocket leaves

splash of white wine/ salt/pepper/paprika/pinch of turmeric/dry oregano/fresh basil leaves/fresh chili chopped (or whatever you have at home/fancy)

Boil the water for the pasta, add sea salt and cook pasta. meantime..

Fry the onion, garlic and peppers together in olive oil until the onion is cooked and with a light color, add a splash of white wine and let it cook for a couple of minutes. Add the can of tomatoes and spices and let it cook while the pasta is cooking(if necessary add a bit of water from the pasta so it doesn’t get dry). When done add most of the rocket but leave a bit to put on top. Drain pasta and mix it into the sauce, let it cook for 1 minute and dish up. add fresh rocket and nuts on top. If you are not vegan you can shave some cheese on top, but it’s so tasty that it doesn’t need ❤

Lots of love,



Portuguese Version:

A minha irma veio visitar-me na passada passada por isso nao fiz nenhum update por aqui, para dizer a verdade mal cozinhei, so uma sopinha, porque estavamos sempre fora. Andamos a ver grutas com formaçoes de sal, castelos a patinar no gelo e comer muita massa e pizza 😉

Hoje a noite vamos ver uma instituiçao para começar a fazer voluntariado para ajudar pessoas necessitadas e animais abandonados, hoje vamos falar de coisas praticas, pois nao estamos muito disponiveis no verao por causa de trabalho, espero que nao seja um problema!

Mas vamos là a receita: serve 2 pratos bem cheios ou entao sobra para uma marmita pequenina

300g de massa (para ficar sem gluten podem usar massa de milho ou arroz, se nao forem veganos tambem podem usar massa fresca, como quiserem, mas sigam o tempo de cozedura do pacote)

1 lata de tomates  cereja em molho (se nao houver uma normal, mas nao usem ja em creme pois por norma usam tomates ja passados do seu tempo)

1/2 cebola pequena picada

2 dentes de alho picados

5 pimentos doces fritos em azeite daqueles longos, eu por norma tenho conglado em porçoes pequenas, pois é uma maneira facil de adicionar sabor aos pratos

mao cheia de castanha de caju e pistachios (ou o que tiverem por casa)

mao cheia de rucula

um bocadinho de vinho branco/ sal/pimenta/paprika/açafrao das indias/oregano seco/folhas de basilico/malagueta fresca (ou as especiarias que tiverem por casa, mas mais associadas ao mediterraneo para este prato)

Ferver a agua para a massa, colocar a massa dentro e sò depois o sal, cozinhar a massa e entretanto fazemos o molho.

Fritar o alho, a cebola e pimento tudo junto, ate a cebola ganhar uma cor,adicionar o vinho e deixar evaporar durante 2 minutos. Adicionar a lata de tomate e especiarias (ise começar a ficar seco adicionar agua da cozedura da massa, este molho nao é muito seco). Quando a massa estiver cozida,adicionar metade da rucula ao molho e guardar o resto para por por cima. Escorrer a massa e misturar no molho e deixar cozinhar durante 1 minuto e colocar nos pratos. Juntar a rucula e as nozes por cima, se nao forem veganos podem adcionar um bocadinho de queijo ralado por cima, mas realmente nao é necessario pois é mesmo saborosa!

pasta with cherry tomatoes

Bom apetite,

Sandrina x

Cinnamon roll cake, secretly healthy ;) / Bolo de canela saudavel

English Version:


Yesterday i was in mood for some cake, so I came up with this delicious healthy version of your regular cinnamon bun, it’s rich and sweet, but it doesn’t kill you 😉 I’m lucky enough to say, that as the time goes by, i like regular cake less and less, the only thing I taste is butter and a sickly sweetness, nothing else and i love flavour! so the most important thing for me is for my treats to be sweet but to let me feel the taste of my ingredients. The base of this cake was a chocolate and carrot cake I came up a while back :

Chocolate cake, no nasties! Bolo de chocolate saudavel e humido.

I have to say that baking doesn’t need to be an exact science, it’s about making it your own, play with it, you will see, it’s almost always tasty! It may not me as high, but if you want healthier versions (changing from traditional ingredients) it will always change the texture, try you might actually like it ❤

Ingredients :

– to grease the pan : 1 TBs of organic butter (real thing or coconut oil, not melted) , 1 TBS of cinnamon , 1 TBS of raw brown sugar or coconut sugar –> first grease the pan, after mix sugar with cinnamon and coat the pan until all surface is covered.

for the batter :

150grs of flour ( I used 100grs of rye and 50grs of plain)

15grs of yeast (for cakes)

3 eggs

150grs of natural yoghurt (whole,organic)

7 TBS of maple syrup

1 TBS of melted butter

50grs of lucuma powder OR I would add a 1TBS of sugar(not maple as it is a powder )

For the drizzle : melt 1 TBS of butter with 1 TBS of cinnamon and 1 TBS of sugar (brown or coconut).

Mix all the ingredients ultil a smooth batter is formed. For an airy cake whisk your egg whites until set and fold carefully once all the other ingredients are well mixed. pour batter into the pan and at the end drizzle the cinnamon liquid on top of it in a circular motion.

Bake at 175C around 35m but keep checking, as i used a really big pan, thats why it was so thin. In a smaller pan may take a bit longer.

Lots of love,

Sandrina x

Versao portuguesa:

Ontem estava com vontade de um bolo um bocadinho diferente entao decidi fazer um bolo de canela, delicioso, mas que nao entope nenhuma veia 😉 Eu tenho bastante sorte porque com o passar do tempo o meu palato foi mudando e hoje em dia cada vez gosto menos de doces demasiado doces, onde os unicos sabores sao a manteiga e o açucar, gosto de sentir os diferentes sabores e saber que posso comer 1 bela fatia sem qualquer culpa 🙂

A base deste bolo foi de uma receita que criei ja ha bastante tempo:

Chocolate cake, no nasties! Bolo de chocolate saudavel e humido.

E gostava de dizer que os bolos nao sao aquela ciencia exacta ( a nao ser que queiram fazer um bolo super tradicional para alguem super tradicional), para fazer bolos mais saudaveis, as texturas mudam, o que nao e’ uma coisa ma’, e’ so’ diferente..  E e’ tambem um desafio, para criar coisas diferentes, com ingredientes diferentes, sem aquele medo que nao vai resultar, pois nao diz assim no livro de receitas. acreditem, eu ja fiz dezenas de bolos sem abrir 1 livro de receitas, 90% das vezes ficou bem bom 😉 e as outras por norma era por falta de açucar/adoçante natural, que se corrigia com uma calda.. acho que temos que aproveitar o que a nossa sociedade global nos tem para oferecer, uma data de ingredientes novos e tecnicas desconhecidas pelos nossos pais e avos, e arriscar um bocadinho e comer aquele pedaço de bolo com uma mente aberta.



-Para untar a forma usar 1 CS de manteiga, 1 CS de canela e 1 CS de açucar (nao refinado castanho ou de coco), usar o açucar misturado com a canela como se fosse farinha.

-Para a massa :

150grs de farinha (usei 100grs de centeio e 50grs de farinha para bolos)

15grs de fermento para bolos

3 ovos inteiros

150grs de iogurte natural (organico e inteiro)

7 colheres de sopa de xarope de acer (ou mel derretido, mas nao a temperatura alta)

50grs de po’ de lucuma (e’ um po’ de uma fruta peruviana com um sabor a caramelo, e cheio de vitaminas) OU 1 CS de açucar (por causa de a lucuma ser em po’, mas podem experimentar)

1 CS de manteiga derretida ( nao usar margarina que tanto mal faz!) ou oleo de coco

-Para a calda : 1CS de manteiga,1 CS de canela e 1CS de açucar (derreter tudo junto)

Untar a forma, colocar a massa do bolo e no fim colocar a calda de canela por cima, fazendo circulos.

Eu usei uma forma um bocadinho grande demais, dai o bolo ter saido fininho.                                                                   Aquecer o forno a 175 c e cozinhar entre 35 a 45m, mas deve-se controlar pois depende do tamanho da forma e do forno.

Ate a proxima

Sandrina xx

Baked chicken oriental style with olive oil mash potatoes <3 Frango assado ao modo oriental com pure de batata de azeite

An update on my fitness journey, has been awhile now that I don’t exercise regularly, but a couple of weeks ago I started doing yoga at home ( I do have quite some foundations as I practiced for 2 years with a teacher) 5 or 6 times a week and I feel really good! My other half is going to the gym 3 times a week so I thought I should do something to 😉

I have to say that excluding my Mediterranean chicken rub ( https://fionabluerecipes.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/roast-chicken-and-baked-rice/ ) this one is my absolute favorite! Full of spices and the warmth of the chili, with a golden crust (which I gave to my other half as I don’t eat it) and it’s really easy to do 🙂

For the rub you will need :

-1 large onion (chopped, doesnt go into food processor)

-1 TBS of molasses

-2 TBS of sea salt (coarse, unrefined)

-1 TeaS of honey

-3 garlic cloves (if using the food processor whole otherwise chopped finely)

-1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger

-1 Teasp of sweet paprika, dry chili, black pepper

-1/2 a cup of white wine

-1/3 cup of sushi vinegar (if you don’t have it you can use apple cider vinegar or just 3/4 cup of white wine)

Blitz everything in a food processor or chop everything in very small pieces and mix well. Rub into the chicken.

Inside the chicken put half a lemon and 2 twigs of rosemary. Place the chicken into a baking tray on top of the sliced onions and into the fridge.

I usually do this the night before and I cook it for lunch, it definitely tastes better, if you can’t leave it at least 30m before cooking.

Pre heat the oven at 190C and cook chicken for around 20m uncovered. After this put on a lid or cover with foil and reduce the temperature to 150 and cook for another 1 hour. I do this for a medium size chicken, if your is really big increase time.

So, to make my life easier I cook a big batch of potatoes,and once cooked I put them through the potato ricer and divide in portions, once is cold I freeze the excess. The frozen mash potato can be as good as the fresh one, almost 😉 ,if you give it some TLC, just warm it slowly, adding nutmeg, salt, black pepper, milk (dairy or vegetable) and some olive oil (or butter). It really makes my life easier, and with the rest you can make gnocchi, waffles, bread…Whatever takes your fancy!

As I don’t eat the skin I topped my chicken with fresh chilies, some sesame seeds and the cooked onions,which is totally up to you, I thought it fitted the theme.

Este frango assado e’ um bocadinho diferente do que fazemos em Portugal, mas e’ maravilhoso! Aqui fica o link para um mais portugues : https://fionabluerecipes.wordpress.com/2013/09/30/roast-chicken-and-baked-rice/ (esta receita esta em ingles, mas se alguem quiser a traduçao e’ so avisar 😉 ). Este frango fica soculento e e’ super saboroso com especiarias e picante.

Ingredientes para marinar o frango:

-1 cebola grande cortada as rodelas (este ingrediente nao vai para a trituradora)

-1 Colher de sopa (CS) de melaço ( se houver se nao aumentar o mel para 2 CS)

-2 CS de sal grosso marinho, natural

-1 Colher de cha (CC) de mel

-3 dentes de alho

-1 pedacinho de gengibre fesco ( se nao tiverem usem em po’ 1CS)

-1 CC de paprika, 1CC de pimenta preta, 1CC de flocos de chili seco

-1/2 taça de vinho branco

-1/3 taça de vinagre de sushi  (se nao houver substituir por vinagre de maça ou simplesmente aumentar o vinho para 3/4)

Se tiverem uma trituradora piquem tudo junto se nao, cortar o gengibre e o alho bem fininho e misturar os ingredientes todos antes de massajar o frango com o molho.Colocar dentro do frango meio limao e um raminho de rosmaninho (ou louro). Colocar o frango numa assadeira por cima das rodelas da cebola.

Eu por norma massajo na noite anterior e deixo no frigorifico para cozinhar no dia seguinte, se nao der, massajar pelo menos 30 minutos antes de cozinhar para intensificar o sabor.

O forno deve estar pre aquecido a 190C, cozinhar o frango destapado durante 20m para dourar e depois diminuir a temperatura para 150C e cozinhar tapado (com um testo se existir, senao com papel de aluminio) durante 1 hora. O meu frango era medio, se o frango for muito grande aumentar o tempo.

Para o pure’, cozer as batatas em agua e depois passar pelo passevit ate ficar em pure’. Eu faço quase sempre o dobro do necessario e depois congelo, ja em pure’, e’ bastante comodo desta forma, basta descongelar para fazer pure’, pao, waffles, o que desejarem. Adicionar ao pure de batata leite (animal ou vegetal), sal, pimenta preta e noz moscada (essencial) e azeite virgem (ou manteiga se preferirem), isto deve ser feito com o fogao ligado em lume brando sempre a mexer ate’ obterem um pure cremoso.

Eu nao como a pele do frango por isso coloquei umas sementes de sesamo, chili fresco e a cebola assada por cima, mas claro que e’ a descriçao.

Bom apetite e ate a proxima xxx

roast chicken

Fall jams, falafel and other stories… Update on my new Italian life! :)

A few months have passed since I made a proper post, but it had to be this way. Had so much to do during summer, it flew by almost without a notice. So I left London and moved to Italy where I worked really hard during summer, 10 to 12 hours a day without days off, so that meant no summer for me 😦 but it’s ok, no hard feelings… After that my other half and I had to go back to London by car (with a stop in Switzerland where he has family) to ring back all our things, specially mine as I was living in there for 8 years, so imagine the amount of crap I accumulated 😉 It was very tiring the trip, but really wonderful to see all my friends and sister ❤

Anyway, it took me a long time to get internet in our house, but now it’s all working good, so I can update my blog more often. I did update Instagram and facebook as it requires less bandwidth..

A note on Italy so far, I love the country, it’s wonderful full of colours and flavors and nice people AND bad bureaucracy….omg…it takes ages to do anything and it’s very frustrating but if we keep calm and be patient at some point things happen, which is the most important thing..

Regarding my food , lately we have been eating even less meat and fish than before, for our health and for our wallet too. Choosing high quality over quantity. And nowadays, more than ever before, I make everything from scratch as I have the time and we are given so much produce by my new family 🙂  And I do have a small allotment with fruit trees, and I want to start planting a few things too, if anyone knows any tips for beginners I would appreciate!

Onto some food now :

Figs, walnut and seeds jam Very easy recipe just cut in 4 500gr of fresh figs. In a pan add a heaped teaspoon of cinnamon, the figs, 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup or honey( I used maple), a dash of water, 4 dates cut in 4 ( or maybe another tablespoon of sweetener of choice) and let it cook in low heat for 20m. Check for liquid content if its too dry add a bit of water ( I needed extra and I had organic apple juice at home so I used that, but water is just fine). Mix 2 tablespoons of mixed seeds like flax, sesame, poppy and let it cook for a further 5m. Chop 10 walnuts and add to it at the end ( when it’s not cooking anymore). Let it cool and put it in some jars. I leave 1 out and freeze the rest. As it doesn’t have any chemicals it last around 1 week in the fridge. It’s so lush!! Sweet and amazing. Over bread, yogurt, pancakes, oatmeal…so many options..

Here is a link for a bread recipe of mine :


And one for pancakes :

Yes, pancakes 🙂

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Persimmon, apple and chia jam :

6 ripe gooey persimmons

2 apples

2 TBS of organic brown sugar

1 TBS mixed spice like cinnamon,cloves, nutmeg, cardamon, but more cinnamon!

1TBS of chia seeds

3 TBS of apple puree, not really necessary but I had some open

add a bit of water if needed

Cook for 40 to 60m until very soft and blend, if it’s not thick enough just add a bit of tapioca or potato starch (1 teaspoon is enough) just to thicken it a bit 🙂

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From my garden.. we have figs, rosemary, persimmons or khaki, tomatoes and onions 😀


Presents from the south of Italy, what more can I say??

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For the Falafel : soak dry chickpeas for at least 6 hours. On a food processor mix the drained chickpeas with raw garlic, onion, parsley, cumin, chilli powder, turmeric, salt , black pepper and a bit of olive oil. Don’t over process. Fry or bake I have been on a spice kick, like to try new things. What is your favourite spicy dish ?

The rice is a normal plain rice cooked with garlic and olive oil. The cabbage was kind of steamed with chili flakes and garlic, chinese inspired 🙂

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