Celebratory Strawberry mascarpone cake / Bolo de laranja e morangos

For this orange sponge cake with mascarpone and strawberries you will need :

6 eggs
250grs of sugar

200grs of flour
Juice and peel grated of a big orange
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Pre heat the oven at 180C.
With a hand mixer on medium speed beat the whole eggs with sugar until it triples size. Add the juice and peel and the flour very slowly. Add the baking powder at last. Grease and flour the container where you are going to bake the cake. You can use 2 smaller ones or cut the cake in half ( to put the cream inside) once is cold. Cooking time depends on oven, mine is old took ages 40m, but if your is new keep an eye on it after 20/25m.

Mix 400grs of mascarpone cheese with some orange juice and sugar or maple, this is to taste. Mix until creamy and looks like whipped cream. Divide in 2 . To the first part add lots of chopped strawberries anf fill the middle of the cake as filling. To the other half add a strawberry sauce (process strawberries with some powdered sugar) and cover the cake. Keep some of that sauce to drizzle on top. Add fruit to your tasting on top and kerp it in the fridge u til is time to serve. If you can nake it the night befire is even better.
This is a childhood cake, hope you enjoy it. Thank you aunt for the recipe 😉

strawberry cake

Para este bolo delicioso necessitam de :

6 ovos
250grs açúcar
200grs de farinha

Raspa e sumo de 1 laranja bem grande
1 colher de chá de fermento
Este bolo não tem manteiga/óleo

Bater os ovos inteiros com o açúcar até triplicar. Adicionar a raspa e sumo continuar a bater com a batedeira, adicionar aos poucos a farinha e mesmo no como fermento. O orno deve estar já pré aquecido a 180 graus.O tempo varia, no meu que é super velhinho demorou 40m , mas num forno novo começar a prestar atenção depois dos 20/25m. Quando esfriar cortar ameio, ou podem dividir. Massa em 2 formas.
400grs de mascarpone, adicionar sumo de laranja, açúcar em pó ou xarope de acer. Dividir em 2, num colocar pedaços de morango ( esta parte vai para o meio do bolo como recheio. A outra metade serve para cobrir o bolo. Eu passei com a varinha magica morangos e um bocadinho de açúcar em pó e misturei na 2a parte do creme. Guardei um bocadinho deste molho para colocar por cima do bolo depois de decorado. Por cima coloquei mais morangos, romã e bocadinhos de conserva de amora. Ir ao frigorífico até servir. Eu fiz na noite anterior para ficar bem fresquinho!
Esta receita é da minha tia, e o bolo é maravilhoso, lembra me a minha infância. Espero que gostem ❤

strawberry cake topping

Grilled cheese sandwich and yogurt with fruits <3

Very early dinner before heading to a concert – Grilled cheese sandwich, a bit of butter and oregano (all dairy is organic)♥ For dessert organic thick yogurt with raspberries, blueberries, a drizzle of sweet freedom and some cocoa powder, yum!

Hoje é dia de jantar bem cedo, antes de ir a um concerto. Tosta de queijo, com manteiga e oregaos ( biologicos ), delicioso, uma recordaçao do Tagv E para sobremesa framboesas, mirtilos, iogurte natural bio com um fio de adoçante natural ❤

yogurt grilled cheese

Pasta with mushrooms, spinach and beef!

Genovese style pasta with lots of onion, carrots, mushrooms, minced beef, spinach and my Homemade cheese, it’s true I made my own cheese (!) (that will be my next post). Do a light stew(add a bit of wine, chili flakes, salt and pepper too), boil the pasta and mix all together, so yum For a vegetarian one take off the beef and add more mushrooms.

Massa “genovesa” com espinafres, cogumelos, muita cebola, cenouras, carne de vaca picada e queijo caseiro (sim, eu fiz queijo em casa ! O poximo post vai ser sobre isso). Fazer um estufado leve com um pouco de vinho, chili, sal e pimenta. Cozer a massa e misturar. Para uma versao vegetariana, omitir a carne e adicionar bastantes cogumelos. Bom apetite!


Waffle sandwich bread – rosemary and garlic!

English Version :

What are you having for lunch? I just had a camembert, tomato and watercress waffle sandwich ( with garlic and rosemary )! Delish 

For the waffle bread :
1 cup of oats
1 cup of wholemeal flour
1/2 cup of protein powder ( or just flour)
1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 pinch of salt
2.5 cups of water

Fry 1 big clove of garlic with 1 tablespoon of dry rosemary and olive oil. Mix this with all the above ingredients. Place into waffle maker for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve with your favourite sandwich fillers! Makes 4 closed sandwiches or 8 open. I believe you can do it as a pancake, but it will require patience, it has to be done slowly and without flipping it too much in a slow heat.

Versão Portuguesa:

O que vão comer hoje ao almoçco? Eu fiz uma sandwich- waffle ( com alho e rosmaninho) de tomate camembert e agrião! Delicioso )

Para o Pão-Waffle:
1 taça de aveia
1 taça de farinha integral
1/2 taça de proteina em pò ( ou farinha integral)
1/2 taça de sementes de cabaça
1 colher de chà de bicabornato de soda
1 pitada de sal
2.5 taças de agua

Frite 1 dente de alho picado com uma colher de rosmaninho em azeite. Quando feito misture com todos os ingredientes, deve ficar com uma massa liquida, mas não demasiado. Coloque na maquina de fazer waffles e espere entre 10 a 15 minutos. Sirva com os recheios de que gosta mais!Faz 4 sandwiches fechadas ou 8 abertas. Se quiser fazer como crepe tambem pode, mas tem que ser em lume brando e com bastante paciencia para não patir.



I didn’t know I much I missed the gym, until I started again! Today went for a yoga class and fell amazing, full of energy, have another class tonight, yay! Need to go to swim too, as this new gym that I joined has a good pool, haven’t done that since high school 😮  Do you swim? Do you prefer it to classes? Have a lovely end of the week, and keep healthy xx

Pumpkin preserve with nuts, Portuguese delicacy!

It’s fall, so everyone needs some pumpkin in their lives 😀 I love this preserve with some sharp cheese and oatcakes or bread!



This was my 1st attempt so don’t be too harsh… To make this you will need :

1 medium pumpkin around 1kg
100g of organic brown sugar
1/2 a cup of sweet freedom, like agave but better as it is low G.I. & vegan
3 tablespoons of cinnamon, maybe more if you love it, like me!
the juice of 4 oranges
2 big pieces of lemon skin
1 or 2 cups of roughly chopped nuts


Cut, peel and cube the pumpkin. Mix all the ingredients except the nuts. Cook it for 1 hour at least, until very soft. Use a blender until smooth, or you can leave some bigger pieces if you prefer. Put back in the pan and add the nuts, let it cook for 10m , and it’s done. I divided in 3 parts, froze 2 and we are having the 3rd one, with bread for breakfast or just as a snack. Enjoy!



Bacon and cheese muffin, perfect sunday treat! :)

Another drama in the house of  Fiona!…..

A pipe burst this week in our bathroom, a huge flood, emergency plumber and no sleep. And all of this followed by a day’s work, fun and games 😉 So another week went by without much time to cook.. And that’s why this week my main workouts were yoga and pilates, as I need as much calm as I can summon.

So today, I decided that lot’s of food was going to come out of my kitchen! Today I will show my cheese and bacon muffins, delicious and really easy to put together!


Ingredients :


250g plain flour

50g semolina

grated cheese, I used cheddar and parmigiano

3 eggs

100ml of olive oil


sesame seeds

2 tsp baking powder

250ml of milk


salt and pepper

cumin and tumeric to taste

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees C ; Combine flour,semolina, baking powderand seasonings. On a separated bowl whisk the eggs, milk, olive oil and parsley. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients, add the bacon( that has been previously fried)  and mix all together. Grease your muffin tin, or use paper cases and fill them with the mixture. Bake for 20m or until golden brown.




Eggs : Excellent source of protein. Contains vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth, and nutrients that help balance blood sugar levels, protect against heart disease, and support the healthy function of nerves and the brain.

Countdown for USA  : 17 days!

Waht have you been baking lately? Tell me your favourite savoury muffin recipes! Hope you had an amazing weekend and have a good week! xx






Organic Box Delivery

Wednesdays are always exciting days! It’s organic delivery day!

Awhile ago we decided to start eating more organic, tried supermarket goods but somehow defeats a bit the idea of locally sourced, helping farmers and everything, so I did some online searches and decided to order through a London company. They get all their produce from around London and deliver very early in the morning which suits working people. I really like it, because I never run out of fruit and vegetables during the week, and always get something a bit different which makes me vary our meals, and that can just be good! Where do you get your organic products from?

This week I didn’t order fruit as I still had quite a lot, so we got veg, flour for the bread, and some sausages



And because we deserve it aswell, life cannot be just work and exercise (even though I did go to the gym today to do body conditioning, but shhhhh), this was our dinner (plus some salad), very portuguese/italian style!Homemade rye and seeds bread plus yummi goods from Paris!


What are your meal treats?