Bacon and cheese muffin, perfect sunday treat! :)

Another drama in the house of  Fiona!…..

A pipe burst this week in our bathroom, a huge flood, emergency plumber and no sleep. And all of this followed by a day’s work, fun and games 😉 So another week went by without much time to cook.. And that’s why this week my main workouts were yoga and pilates, as I need as much calm as I can summon.

So today, I decided that lot’s of food was going to come out of my kitchen! Today I will show my cheese and bacon muffins, delicious and really easy to put together!


Ingredients :


250g plain flour

50g semolina

grated cheese, I used cheddar and parmigiano

3 eggs

100ml of olive oil


sesame seeds

2 tsp baking powder

250ml of milk


salt and pepper

cumin and tumeric to taste

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees C ; Combine flour,semolina, baking powderand seasonings. On a separated bowl whisk the eggs, milk, olive oil and parsley. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients, add the bacon( that has been previously fried)  and mix all together. Grease your muffin tin, or use paper cases and fill them with the mixture. Bake for 20m or until golden brown.




Eggs : Excellent source of protein. Contains vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth, and nutrients that help balance blood sugar levels, protect against heart disease, and support the healthy function of nerves and the brain.

Countdown for USA  : 17 days!

Waht have you been baking lately? Tell me your favourite savoury muffin recipes! Hope you had an amazing weekend and have a good week! xx