Vegan pasta with cherry tomatoes,fried peppers and nuts/ Massa com molho de tomate cereja, pistachios e pimento frito <3

English Version:

Last week my sister came to visit, lots of love 😀 so I didn’t cook much, as we were out a lot. We had a lot of fun, went to see some fantastic caves with salt formations inside, went ice skating and to see some castles and amazing landscape, god bless Italy 😉 And tonight my other half and I are going to check out this voluntary work to see if it’s a good fit, really hope so, as I have been looking for awhile. This institution is quite small and they help people and animals in need.

So, for today’s recipe: 2 people eating well or a small leftover

1 packet of pasta (for gluten free you can use corn or rice pasta, vegetarian can use fresh pasta, just cook according to time in the packet) I used around 300grs

1 can of cherry tomato sauce (the one with whole tomatoes not passata)

1/2 small onion

2 cloves of garlic

5 fried peppers (the long ones,sweet, already fried in olive oil, I had mine frozen as I did a big batch and froze in little portions)

handful of cashews and pistachios

handful of rucola/arugula/rocket leaves

splash of white wine/ salt/pepper/paprika/pinch of turmeric/dry oregano/fresh basil leaves/fresh chili chopped (or whatever you have at home/fancy)

Boil the water for the pasta, add sea salt and cook pasta. meantime..

Fry the onion, garlic and peppers together in olive oil until the onion is cooked and with a light color, add a splash of white wine and let it cook for a couple of minutes. Add the can of tomatoes and spices and let it cook while the pasta is cooking(if necessary add a bit of water from the pasta so it doesn’t get dry). When done add most of the rocket but leave a bit to put on top. Drain pasta and mix it into the sauce, let it cook for 1 minute and dish up. add fresh rocket and nuts on top. If you are not vegan you can shave some cheese on top, but it’s so tasty that it doesn’t need ❤

Lots of love,



Portuguese Version:

A minha irma veio visitar-me na passada passada por isso nao fiz nenhum update por aqui, para dizer a verdade mal cozinhei, so uma sopinha, porque estavamos sempre fora. Andamos a ver grutas com formaçoes de sal, castelos a patinar no gelo e comer muita massa e pizza 😉

Hoje a noite vamos ver uma instituiçao para começar a fazer voluntariado para ajudar pessoas necessitadas e animais abandonados, hoje vamos falar de coisas praticas, pois nao estamos muito disponiveis no verao por causa de trabalho, espero que nao seja um problema!

Mas vamos là a receita: serve 2 pratos bem cheios ou entao sobra para uma marmita pequenina

300g de massa (para ficar sem gluten podem usar massa de milho ou arroz, se nao forem veganos tambem podem usar massa fresca, como quiserem, mas sigam o tempo de cozedura do pacote)

1 lata de tomates  cereja em molho (se nao houver uma normal, mas nao usem ja em creme pois por norma usam tomates ja passados do seu tempo)

1/2 cebola pequena picada

2 dentes de alho picados

5 pimentos doces fritos em azeite daqueles longos, eu por norma tenho conglado em porçoes pequenas, pois é uma maneira facil de adicionar sabor aos pratos

mao cheia de castanha de caju e pistachios (ou o que tiverem por casa)

mao cheia de rucula

um bocadinho de vinho branco/ sal/pimenta/paprika/açafrao das indias/oregano seco/folhas de basilico/malagueta fresca (ou as especiarias que tiverem por casa, mas mais associadas ao mediterraneo para este prato)

Ferver a agua para a massa, colocar a massa dentro e sò depois o sal, cozinhar a massa e entretanto fazemos o molho.

Fritar o alho, a cebola e pimento tudo junto, ate a cebola ganhar uma cor,adicionar o vinho e deixar evaporar durante 2 minutos. Adicionar a lata de tomate e especiarias (ise começar a ficar seco adicionar agua da cozedura da massa, este molho nao é muito seco). Quando a massa estiver cozida,adicionar metade da rucula ao molho e guardar o resto para por por cima. Escorrer a massa e misturar no molho e deixar cozinhar durante 1 minuto e colocar nos pratos. Juntar a rucula e as nozes por cima, se nao forem veganos podem adcionar um bocadinho de queijo ralado por cima, mas realmente nao é necessario pois é mesmo saborosa!

pasta with cherry tomatoes

Bom apetite,

Sandrina x

Baked chicken oriental style with olive oil mash potatoes <3 Frango assado ao modo oriental com pure de batata de azeite

An update on my fitness journey, has been awhile now that I don’t exercise regularly, but a couple of weeks ago I started doing yoga at home ( I do have quite some foundations as I practiced for 2 years with a teacher) 5 or 6 times a week and I feel really good! My other half is going to the gym 3 times a week so I thought I should do something to 😉

I have to say that excluding my Mediterranean chicken rub ( ) this one is my absolute favorite! Full of spices and the warmth of the chili, with a golden crust (which I gave to my other half as I don’t eat it) and it’s really easy to do 🙂

For the rub you will need :

-1 large onion (chopped, doesnt go into food processor)

-1 TBS of molasses

-2 TBS of sea salt (coarse, unrefined)

-1 TeaS of honey

-3 garlic cloves (if using the food processor whole otherwise chopped finely)

-1 thumb size piece of fresh ginger

-1 Teasp of sweet paprika, dry chili, black pepper

-1/2 a cup of white wine

-1/3 cup of sushi vinegar (if you don’t have it you can use apple cider vinegar or just 3/4 cup of white wine)

Blitz everything in a food processor or chop everything in very small pieces and mix well. Rub into the chicken.

Inside the chicken put half a lemon and 2 twigs of rosemary. Place the chicken into a baking tray on top of the sliced onions and into the fridge.

I usually do this the night before and I cook it for lunch, it definitely tastes better, if you can’t leave it at least 30m before cooking.

Pre heat the oven at 190C and cook chicken for around 20m uncovered. After this put on a lid or cover with foil and reduce the temperature to 150 and cook for another 1 hour. I do this for a medium size chicken, if your is really big increase time.

So, to make my life easier I cook a big batch of potatoes,and once cooked I put them through the potato ricer and divide in portions, once is cold I freeze the excess. The frozen mash potato can be as good as the fresh one, almost 😉 ,if you give it some TLC, just warm it slowly, adding nutmeg, salt, black pepper, milk (dairy or vegetable) and some olive oil (or butter). It really makes my life easier, and with the rest you can make gnocchi, waffles, bread…Whatever takes your fancy!

As I don’t eat the skin I topped my chicken with fresh chilies, some sesame seeds and the cooked onions,which is totally up to you, I thought it fitted the theme.

Este frango assado e’ um bocadinho diferente do que fazemos em Portugal, mas e’ maravilhoso! Aqui fica o link para um mais portugues : (esta receita esta em ingles, mas se alguem quiser a traduçao e’ so avisar 😉 ). Este frango fica soculento e e’ super saboroso com especiarias e picante.

Ingredientes para marinar o frango:

-1 cebola grande cortada as rodelas (este ingrediente nao vai para a trituradora)

-1 Colher de sopa (CS) de melaço ( se houver se nao aumentar o mel para 2 CS)

-2 CS de sal grosso marinho, natural

-1 Colher de cha (CC) de mel

-3 dentes de alho

-1 pedacinho de gengibre fesco ( se nao tiverem usem em po’ 1CS)

-1 CC de paprika, 1CC de pimenta preta, 1CC de flocos de chili seco

-1/2 taça de vinho branco

-1/3 taça de vinagre de sushi  (se nao houver substituir por vinagre de maça ou simplesmente aumentar o vinho para 3/4)

Se tiverem uma trituradora piquem tudo junto se nao, cortar o gengibre e o alho bem fininho e misturar os ingredientes todos antes de massajar o frango com o molho.Colocar dentro do frango meio limao e um raminho de rosmaninho (ou louro). Colocar o frango numa assadeira por cima das rodelas da cebola.

Eu por norma massajo na noite anterior e deixo no frigorifico para cozinhar no dia seguinte, se nao der, massajar pelo menos 30 minutos antes de cozinhar para intensificar o sabor.

O forno deve estar pre aquecido a 190C, cozinhar o frango destapado durante 20m para dourar e depois diminuir a temperatura para 150C e cozinhar tapado (com um testo se existir, senao com papel de aluminio) durante 1 hora. O meu frango era medio, se o frango for muito grande aumentar o tempo.

Para o pure’, cozer as batatas em agua e depois passar pelo passevit ate ficar em pure’. Eu faço quase sempre o dobro do necessario e depois congelo, ja em pure’, e’ bastante comodo desta forma, basta descongelar para fazer pure’, pao, waffles, o que desejarem. Adicionar ao pure de batata leite (animal ou vegetal), sal, pimenta preta e noz moscada (essencial) e azeite virgem (ou manteiga se preferirem), isto deve ser feito com o fogao ligado em lume brando sempre a mexer ate’ obterem um pure cremoso.

Eu nao como a pele do frango por isso coloquei umas sementes de sesamo, chili fresco e a cebola assada por cima, mas claro que e’ a descriçao.

Bom apetite e ate a proxima xxx

roast chicken

Raw tropical tart / tarte de frutas tropicais crua! Gluten,sugar,dairy free

Fruit pie recipe / Receita para a tarte de frutas:

What’s not to love about a guilt free treat? So yummy and good for you!

Base : 1 cup of nuts, 15 dates, 1 handful of oats, blend until it sticks together, if not add more dates. This makes a thin crust if you prefer a thick one double the portions! And freeze for 1hour.
Filling : 4 small bananas ( 2large), 1 mango, 1 vanilla pod ( extract if you don’t have). Blend, when it becames a pulp add the coconut flakes/dessicated. Add this to the frozen base and freeze for a couple of houts. Defrost for 20m and cut into slices and serve!! Keep the remains in the freezer ♡ hope you enjoy it 😉

Uma sobremesa/pequeno almoço delicioso e sem sentimentos de culpa, vai fazer com que brilhemos de dentro para fora! 🙂

Para a base usei 1copo de nozes ( amendoas, castanhas do para, o que tiverem em casa) , 15 tamaras, 1a mao cheia de aveia e triturar ate ficar tudo unido, se nao ficar numa bola adicionar mais tamaras. Congelar durante 1a hora.
Recheio : 4bananas pequenas ou 2as grandes, 1a manga e triturar. Juntar o coco seco. Colocar a mistura na base ja congelada e retornar ao congelador por mais 2horas, deixar descongelar por 20minutos e cortar a tarte em fatias, servir bem frio. O restante guarda-se no congelador! Espero que provem pois e deliciosa. A minha trituradora nao é muito poderosa mas serve bem ❤




Lentil, quinoa, spinach, with roasted vegetables !

Lately I have been doing lots of yoga, I am starting to fall in love with it quite a lot! It does wonders to my body and really helps me with my work related stress… Do you do yoga? For how long now? I have been doing it on and off for 1 year, but just nowI try to go to 4 classes a week 🙂

And I have been trying to eat more vegan too! I love dishes without meat 🙂

Another #vegan meal, lentils and quinoa (soaked during the night) with spinach and roasted veggies ( sweet potatoes, red peppers and courgette) sooo tasty! ❤

Mais uma refeiçao vegan, lentilhas e quinoa (demolhadas durante a noite) com espinafres e vegetais no forno ( batata doce, pimento vermelhoe courgette), muito saboroso! 


Acai overnight oats plus raw cacao, plus more superfoods!

Another overnight oats this time with new goodies from wholefoods, that the boyfriend bought today<3 Acai berry yogurt layer with oats and chia seeds, frozen red berries and raw cocoa yogurt on top with sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds! The best way to start the day x


Mais uma ideia para “papas” de aveia, nao sao cozinhadas, apenas ficam no frigorifico com iogurte durante a noite. A 1a camada é de pò de açai (uma vaga super rica em antioxidantes) com aveia e sementes de chia, a 2a camada sao vagas verelhas congeladas e a 3a é cacau puro cru ( nao processado) e iogurte, por cima coloquei sementes de sesamo, de girassol e abobora, delicioso, para começar o dia cheia de energia e bem estar 🙂




Spinach, bacon and potato frittata, and another dinner :)

Unfortunately this week I was told that my landlord wants to sell my house, just 10 months after we move in, so my mind has been busy with worry instead of cooking ideas… But it will be fine, it always is!  😉

I made a beautiful frittata yesterday for dinner. It’s quite easy and not much work involved.


You will need 8 to 10 eggs will make enough to 4-6 people ; spinach, bacon and some boiled and chopped potatoes.

First put the bacon ( I use pancetta, cooked and smoked bacon) in a large pan and let it fry, it doesn’t need any fat, as the fat from the bacon is enough, when the bacon gets some color add the spinach and let it cook for 2 minutes, add the already cooked potatoes and your spices, I used paprika, a bit of salt and pepper.

On another recipient whisk eggs with a bit of black pepper. I divided everything in  portions, it easier to cook. So just add half the eggs, to half of the potatoes/bacon/spinach mixture and let it cook for awhile, once the frittata is almost cooked you can flip it , I used a plate and just slide it onto the plate and after just put it back into the pan , but on the other side that needs to be cooked. The trick is that the frittata really needs to be almost cooked.

To accompany it I made an avocado, tomato, olives and onion salad, but I guess any kind of salad or even steamed vegetables, would be great!

Another dinner this week : Mustard turkey steak with borlotti beans rice, really tasty!



Add me on facebook!!

Avocado : Is high in beneficial monounsaturated oils which can lower blood pressure, lubricate joints and helps improving fertility.

I still managed to hit the gym a few times this week despite all my stress, but I guess it was for the best as I let some steam off!

Do you change houses a lot? Does stress impacts on the way you eat?

Have a great weekend! x

Quinoa, squid and squash salad!

Tonight’s dinner was a light, colorful salad. I just baked the squash, which I have to say that it takes an awful amount of time, 1h30m at least, should have cut it into smaller pieces! Cooked the quinoa, as I cook rice, first with a bit of garlic and olive oil and after adding water 1 part quinoa for 2 of water. Grilled the squid and cut the veggies. Once the cooked ingredients were cold/lukewarm  I plated, and that’s it! Really nice dinner 😉


Inside the squash, just like pumpkin, there are some seeds, which I baked with some salt and pepper and sprinkled on top of the salad, really tasty at no extra cost 😀



Quinoa : Is a seed ofa plant which belongs to the spinach family. it contains amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Is close to being one of the most complete foods in nature. Prevents and treats artherosclerosis, breast cancer, diabetes and insulin resistence.

And after dinner the family had ice cream,because we can’t be just very healthy 😉

What are your favorite’s quinoa dishes?

Take care a nd have a good week x

Lentils stew, tasty and on a budget!

Yesterday I was busy doing my new facebook page — , add me if you have an account there 🙂 — and my other half was away, so for dinner I wanted something quick, healthy and not very expensive to make. This was I came up with :



Ingredients :

1 can of organic lentils

1 can of tomatoes

2 organic carrots





Olive oil

Bacon ( always optional)

Spices : Paprika, oregano, salt, black pepper, red chilies, parsley.

Method :

Cook garlic, onion and parsley with olive oil, until soft. Add the tomatoes and let it cook for 10m, add spices and a bit of water/wine if necessary. To this add the lentils and let it cook for a further 5m. The spinach and kale need no more than a couple of minutes, so do it at the very end. If your version has bacon, I would add it with the onion.

Always remember to wash your vegetables well. A bit of vinegar when washing is said to help cleaning them.

Had the stew with a piece of rye bread that I baked in the afternoon, was really nice, filling and not too heavy. It produces an amazing gravy, which I love, so if you are like me, you are in for a treat!

Benefits of kale :  Helps with high cholesterol. It has a very high level of sulphur based compounds, which help to increase cells ability to process and break down potentially cancerous chemicals. There is a long accepted link between the consumption of cruciferous vegetables and reduced risk of cancers ( ex : kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cress, cabbage, bok choi, rocket and many more!)

So remember to top up on this every time you can 😉


Enjoy xx

Portuguese inspired dish!

My cooker is back to life, and so it’s my kitchen. did a beautiful broad bean and spicy chorizo stew and baked a bread, the bread post will be done tomorrow, as the dough is still rising and needs to be baked. It’s inspired on a traditional portuguese dish, and I added a few more vegetables and egg. It’s very simple, tasty and quite cheap to make. All and all takes around 30m to make.


The ingredients :


Fresh broad beans, canned broad beans (bought this ones in Paris),spicy chorizo, smoked pork sausage (this one is hungarian,bought in an eastern european shop) carrots, white onion, bay leaf, olive oil, organic eggs, frozen peas, beer, salt and pepper to taste.

Fry the onion and the bay with the olive oil, when the onion becomes soft (5m) add carrots, fresh broad beans and the meats.


Put some beer in (quite a bit) and let it stew for 15m, and after that add the canned and frozen vegetables. Let it simmer for another 10m, crack an egg on the sauce and cook it for around 3m and its ready!


And it’s done a not so heavy dinner, full of colors and flavours!