Open omelette with greens, walnuts and baked potatoes / Omelete aberta com grelos, nozes e batatas

Simple an OMG so delicious! It’s a good way to clean your fridge too just before you go to do your next food shopping. This is a open omelette done with 2 eggs, some leftover greens that I had cooked the day before and some baked potatoes cut in really tiny pieces and a handful of broken walnut pieces. First warm the greens and potatoes on the pan, after add the beaten eggs (already with salt and pepper) and nuts and try to incorporate all the greens and potatoes within the egg. Let it cook for 2 to 3 minutes and serve with some bread ❤


Este prato é super simples e delicioso, ótimo para acabar com as sobras que temos no frigorífico 🙂 Para fazer esta omelete usei 2 ovos bem batidos com sal e pimenta, “verdes” que tinha pronto no frigorífico (pode ser qualquer tipo de couves, espinafres, estes eram mais tipo grelos), uma mão cheia de nozes partidas e batatas assadas cortadas aos cubinhos (que tambem ja tinha pronto). Aquecer os grelos e as batatas numa frigideira anti aderente durante uns 3 minutos e depois adicionar os ovos ja batidos e as nozes e deixar cozinhar até o ovo ficar com a consistência desejada. Servir com uma fatia de pão de cereais. Bom apetite !

Lots of love,

Sandrina xx


Spinach omelette (but much better) with avocado salad <3

Tonight’s dinner was a simple spinach omelette with avocado salad  Fry onions with garlic and olive oil, add a few pieces of a spicy sausage, just to give flavor and some spice (easily removed – add chili flakes instead). Had spinach, I used the frozen one, really nice actually ( used 6 frozen balls, fresh use a whole bag)! Add some passata ( or tomato pure ), add a bit of salt, once defrosted (around 5 minutes, fresh 1 minute) add 8 beaten eggs and cook, finish the top part on the oven grill, so you don’t have to flip ( perfect omelette every time)  Serve with your favorite salad! 😀

O jantar de hoje : Omelete de espinafres com salada de abacate! Fritar a cebola com o alho em azeite , colocar um pouco de linguiça se desejar, se quiser uma ersao vegetariana, coloque simplesmente uns flocos de chili. Adicionar espinafres, eu usei congelado, mas fresco é igual  os congelados so necessitam de cozinhar uns 5 minutos extra. Colocar um bocado de polpa de tomate e cerveja ou vinho branco e deixar evaporar. Quando os espinafres estiverem bem descongelados,bater 8 ovos e juntar ao refogado. Adicionar um pouco de sal. Cozinhar bem, e quando so faltar a parte de cima colocar a frigideira debaixo do grill no forno, desta maneira terà sempre omeletes perfeitas! ^_^


Sushi night!


We love sushi in the house, so every once in awhile we do it at home…
Just boil the rice, 1 part rice to 2 water, cook for 10m, remove from heat keep the lid on for another 10 minutes.
Spread rice on seaweed and fill with whatever you like, we did smoked salmon and avocado, tuna mayo and salad leaves and omelette and salad leaves.





Have a great week and tell me your tips for the perfect sushi! xx