Winter soup – white beans, kale and cavolo nero <3

How was your christmas? We had a lovely one with the family and a friend of ours, we of course ate too much but the food was reasonably healthy! We are still not sure about NYE its always a last minute thing but we are not in the mood for crazy parties as everyone is saving for one thing or another! I already booked my first trip of 2014 to Switzerland, quite happy never been there, my other half has family there so I’m going to meet them 🙂
My gym has been a bit of a hit and miss, not being able to go more than twice a week as I have been really tiref, hope that will change in the new year. I have too a few ideas that I need to check out, some things that I would love to fo, will tell if it happens 😉
Even the blog has been a little bit less about me and just about recipes but want to change that a bit, sometimes it becames overwhelming to keep on top of everything!What are your plans for NYE?
Any resolutions just yet?
I will try to completely quit processed sweets ( this is going to be very difficult), but at the very least, to not eat any sweets in my workplace, I just need to bake bit more and be more organised… Would love to have a career change, something mors to fo with food and at last to go back to my weight before quitting smoking (its not a lot of weigh but it’s very difficult to lose it!)..So now the recipe :
White beans soup with kale and cavolo nero (dark green cabbage) – ingredients 4 potatoes,1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 can of white beans, 2 courgettes, seasoning to taste,olive oil. Cook 20m and blend andd the greens, cook 15m.  Really good and simple after christmas.

Sopa de feijao branco e 2as variedades de couve (uma bastante encaracolada e outra de folhas quase pretas) – ingredientes : 4 batatas, 1 cebola, 2 dentes de alho,1 lata de feijao branco, sal e pimenta q.b. 2as courgettes, azeite. Cozer os vegetais e usar a varinha magica. Adicionar a couve cortada fina e deixar cozinhar durante mais 15 minutos. Uma sopa facil e saborosa depois de todos os excessos do natal. 




Moroccan style stew with chickpeas, sausages, collard greens, mushrooms and eggs!

London is now very cold, and I mean cold with just 3 degrees! So this week I felt like cooking something heartwarming, delicious, that would evoke other warmer lands! So I came up with this Moroccan inspired dish, it’s absolutely amazing if I may say, very very tasty and simple 🙂


 Recipe : As always, make this recipe your own, change for this you prefer, take out things you can’t eat, quantities are not important, it depends for how many people you are cooking (this recipe is for 6 people), the most important part is tasting your food and adjusting accordingly! Enjoy cooking, enjoy the process and believe me, when you make food with love it always tastes better 😉

Fry onion and garlic with olive oil and some parsley ; Stir in the mushrooms (400g), cook for 2 minutes add the greens (300g), cook for another 5 minutes ;add some red wine and a can of tomatoes or fresh tomatoes (2) let it cook for 5 minutes ; add spices : salt, chilies, black pepper, turmeric and cumin. Add sausage and chick peas( 1 can), let it stew for 5 minutes. Crack the eggs (6), cover the pan and let it cook for another 10m or until the eggs are cooked. Serve with cous cous. Enjoy xx



I hope you have a lovely weekend and stay warm!! And tell me what are your comfort foods? Your winter favorites? xx

I have a guest at home so not much cooking going on!

Hello! My other half mom is staying with us for a week so not much has been cooking around here… End up eating out or grabbing something quick on our way home, yesterday was sushi day and today pizza… So much for the gym! Have to work extra hard in much less time this week as I am quite busy with entertaining and preparing for the holidays, please cross your fingers for me as I really want/need warm weather next week!

This is what I cooked one of this days at home :


Toasted couscous with clams, prawns and purple carrots ; boiled corn

– This cous cous is different from the regular one, its almost like pasta. For the clams was a regular stew, onion garlic and olive oil, after added some tomatoes and the carrots, and when you cook it down a bit put in the seafood. I like to cook with white wine, chili and some herbs, this part is totally up to you, as everyone likes different things!

Gluten free cookies made with coconut flour, raw cocoa and avocado instead of  fat. I would give you the recipe but I need to make it a bit better first, it still tastes too healthy, if you know what I mean 😉

It’s always like this, every time I tell myself ” ok,this week less carbs for dinner, or less sweets” something happens and it’s always the other way around! C’est la vie 😀

Any experience with coconut flour? Any healthy cookies that don’t taste healthy? Share the recipes with me please!

Have a good week, and speak soon x